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Everything posted by Lhorn

  1. I’d go ahead and mail it anyway. At some point he’ll do something to deserve it.
  2. Don’t forget to try their kimchi.
  3. Not saying that reaction was warranted, but the guy with the phone did something. Probably cut her off I’m guessing. She makes a great argument for gun control. A bitch that’ll punch a moving car might use a gun if she had one.
  4. Well now you did it. If the thief is one of the ne’er-do-wells on this site, they’re coming back for those expensive ass chairs.
  5. The clips they showed on commercials for the show were cringy bad.
  6. Couldn’t decide if he Wanted it lowered or lifted?
  7. I didn’t hate Barney. Mostly I’m nostalgic about that time in my daughters life and I treasure the memories of the time we spent together. Not having seen the show in a decade I’ve still got a song stuck in my head about fucking bread.
  8. Very sad. If a high school teacher and a woman with more money than most countries can’t make it, what hope is there for the rest of us?
  9. Lhorn

    RIP Coolio

    Whoa. That’s pretty young and unexpected ( to me at least). RIP. Gangster paradise and what not.
  10. Hate crime charges? surprised this went to trial so soon. Seems like these things get dragged out for much longer before trial.
  11. What’s his Surly username? I assume he’s offering his cock as a place to ride out the storm.
  12. 20 years an asshole? I’m sure it’s been much longer than that.
  13. What a shitty place to throw a stick for your dog to fetch.
  14. Lhorn

    It's Dead, Jim

    Flag football? Just name an all-pro team and end it with that. No reason at all for an event which no one cares about.
  15. Upwork TV and radio ads….. Because hiring someone in part because they are a full grown adult fixated on: -the perfect cup of coffee -a truly impressive synthesize collection -the perfect shade of green (“actually it’s Salem clover”) - “makes the cutest box lunch we’ve ever seen” ….makes good business sense.
  16. Of course. Not the way you’d expect to lose bit the outcome was never in doubt
  17. Gotta wait for 6 seconds left in the game for someone to step up and make a tough catch
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