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Everything posted by Lhorn

  1. Lhorn


    So they were both terrible last year but what you’re telling me is you have more faith in PK than GP? You really are a dumb cunt. You’d rather keep PK than GP?
  2. I’m at work now so I’m gonna sit down later and read this thread like a great book in front of the fireplace with a warm cup of hot cocoa on a cool autumn night.
  3. Well sure, it seems like a bad deal….on paper…
  4. Back to life, back to reality…..
  5. Lhorn


    I don’t think it can be proven either way. But PK looked like hammered dogshit last year and GP has been a straight killer his whole career. I don’t really care for this year if it’s defense by committee but if someone leaves after this year I hope PK doesn’t let the door hit him in the ass.
  6. Bert might be ok. That last FG was nails. Machete looked promising too.
  7. At the time QE went out or when Card started limping if you said we’d have a lead with 1:48 left I wouldn’t have believed you. not saying he played well, but he’s one of several reasons we lost.
  8. If the QE and defense was saw today shows up every week, this statement is true.
  9. Man, a lotta ifs in this game. What if Neyor played, what if on the safety, PI call, missed safety blitz… but I expected to see Texas show up against Marvel super heroes and from the beginning Texas looked ready and physically the equal of Alabama. I expected to fade and for 3.3 quarters they outplayed Bama. Showed a lotta heart today. If this defense shows up every week we might end up pretty damn salty this year.
  10. Will Anderson about to get boycotted?
  11. Lol. Look at this salty bitch. Forgot to mention we won 5 fucking games last year and Bama played for the MNC. There’s that too….
  12. Pretty much every year a team that sucked last year steps up and nut punches college football. Going from embarrassing to tough, physical, disciplined in a year. Why not us?
  13. Is this speculation or you hear something? Edit. Didn’t see the other posts sprain sounds a lot better than broke
  14. Yeah he ran hard for the yards he got. There were no holes for him.
  15. I’d say I’m optimistic but with Ewers in a sling we might be in trouble.
  16. Proud of the fight but we left a lot of opportunities on the table and got jobbed by the refs.
  17. Nice kick Bert. Bama dirty and undisciplined AF
  18. Fuck how did they not see that?
  19. Fuck man, that’s some gutsy shit right there
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