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Chuckie Finster

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Chuckie Finster

  1. I mean this genuinely, how do we function as a society when we have people like Vance openly stating that he wants to eliminate the WAY HIS WIFE BECAME A CITIZEN and there’s no pushback, no news stories, no controversy. Just business as usual and follow the cult leader at all costs.
  2. Not sure this is the time to be using aggy as an insult, they’d welcome you with open arms to their Politics board. But you’re probably right, I’m sure Politics is the one issue where those dorks have it all figured out.
  3. It’s obvious that jailing political opponents is a hot button issue for you, that’s fine - we all have our thing. I assume you voted for Trump in 2016, correct? Why were you not outraged at “Lock her up” being the official tagline of his campaign? At that point you had no evidence of what he would or wouldn’t do, so surely you were disgusted at that blatant threat of political imprisonment - correct?
  4. You might not want to, but you already do.
  5. Feeling incredibly pessimistic for whatever reason. Want to be wrong.
  6. They’ll never hear them, nothing matters anymore with this fuckin guy.
  7. Many reasonable people concluded that Reggie Bush had a better 2005 season than Vince Young, yet that doesn’t mean their opinion has any basis in reality or should be considered worthwhile. Concluding Trump will be better for Muslims is dumb. Asinine. Stupid. Insane. Moronic. On and on. I understand that this group is facing a trying time, but that doesn’t mean we need to try and rationalize their ignorance to reality.
  8. Do you believe he wants the best for those of us who do not vote for him?
  9. 90 minutes in Katy.
  10. "The average American will definitely respond favorably to a highly choreographed photo-op at McDonald's" seems like an theory dreamt up by someone who hasn't interacted with an average American in a very long time.
  11. Parents rented one of their favorite movies, Vacation, for a family movie night when I was probably 8 or 9 years old. Apparently they forgot that Beverly D'Angelo goes topless pretty early on... movie night was cut short after that scene, unfortunately.
  12. Just took 90 minutes in Katy. The fact that a dude was allowed to make it all the way through the line without anyone asking him to take his Trump hat off doesn't fill me with confidence, however.
  13. If this was noteworthy, he could have just saved everyone a lot of time and admitted it was his first football game ever.
  14. I know favorability isn't necessarily a perfect indicator, but are there many instances of someone winning who is this far underwater in comparison to their opponent?
  15. Soros money hit the bank account this morning, planning to vote every day at lunch this week.
  16. I used to care a lot about what other people thought of my sports teams, but as I’ve aged I’ve realized that’s just something to hang your hat on when you don’t win on the field. And if I’m being honest, given where we were a few years ago, it’s sort of refreshing to have a student section THAT into the game that there was a universal, uncoordinated display of disgust at a call that horrendous. The people who already hate us are talking mess about us, THE HORROR.
  17. Yeah, the T-shirt argument always pops up when we are kicking ass. There's no bigger indicator that we are "back" than that video.
  18. Seems like a guy at peak health for sure.
  19. The official video of the interview on Fox News’s website is 26:44. Sounds like stellar time management from the future president!
  20. I’ve seen a few folks say that they think she performs better in a fairly hostile environment than in a friendly one. Her answers in some of the clips I’ve seen tonight seem crisper and stronger than the ones that have come out on her podcast tour. Sort of makes sense, given her background.
  21. In a shocking twist, Republicans think Kamala bombed the interview while Democrats think she did just fine.
  22. Based on what I'm seeing on social media, it appears to be airing right now.
  23. Think it's a pretty safe assumption that he has a standing invitation from the highest levels of University leadership, if we are being honest.
  24. We really need to revise our national elections so that any candidate that gets over 50% wins outright, with a deferral to the electoral college if not. Would encourage national campaigning, increase the importance of third parties, and swing states would still keep their significance in close elections.
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