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Chuckie Finster

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Chuckie Finster

  1. Potential NC implications: Honestly can't even begin to speculate what could be worse than the endless Robinson information already out there.
  2. Okay yeah, but besides that...
  3. Purely anecdotal, but of all the "deeply religious" people I know, Mormons seem to be the most consistent in following the words/actions of Jesus in the bible and don't just use religion as an excuse to discriminate. I think there's definitely something here.
  4. They desperately need to go back to two starting tribes. Starting the game with only 6 per tribe encourages overthinking the early votes, which is how obvious first boots like Andy (like Bhanu last year) undeservingly survive. Jon got a bad draw of a tribe - don't think there's any way he ever fully meshed with that group - and likely would have been gone soon regardless, but he didn't deserve to go first.
  5. These attacks have made it pretty clear who really meant "we support Israel's right to defend itself but they are being reckless in Gaza" and who will find reasons to bitch at anything Israel does.
  6. There would be a mushroom cloud where the Fox News headquarters used to be if Kamala loses the popular vote but wins the EC.
  7. "They're illegal because I say so" is quite the message.
  8. One part of this whole thing that has gone woefully under-discussed is the fact that there were never any rumors of Haitians eating dogs before the debate! It was, and has been, only cats. DONALD TRUMP WAS SO EXCITED TO TALK ABOUT THIS STORY THAT HE BLURTED OUT THE WRONG ANIMAL. MOTHERFUCKER HAD A 50/50 CHANCE AT NAMING THE CORRECT COMMON HOUSEHOLD PET AND BLEW IT!
  9. The funny thing about building a "convention bump" into your model is that there actually has to be a convention bump. If Harris continues to receive positive polls when the model is saying the bump should have worn off, then that chart will continue to quickly and rapidly correct itself. (As most everyone predicted would happen.)
  10. Donald Trump got more votes in California than any other state. Logically it makes sense, but I think people tend to forget about how many fucking people live in these big states. Even a 60/40 Dem split is a fuckton of MAGA.
  11. Really shameless, even for Ted.
  12. Nate Silver is no longer with 538. In fact, I am convinced their rosy forecast for Kamala is one of the largest driving factors behind him doing… whatever the fuck he’s doing now.
  13. I'm more and more convinced this is a must for the campaign. Rogan/Theo/etc. are not combative interviewers, it will not be a trap. Like many have said previously, the goal isn't necessarily to win their vote (although I do think there's a possibility of that happening in non-negligible numbers) it's to convince them that Kamala winning isn't some country-ending scenario. When you continue to allow your enemy to define you to a specific demographic with no pushback, then you cannot be surprised when they believe it.
  14. I’m telling you, both of them with Rogan or Theo or one of the other right-leaning but not explicitly Republican podcasts would have a higher potential rate of return than almost anything else they could do.
  15. Aside from a UFC fight or NASCAR race, this is probably the friendliest environment imaginable for him.
  16. Has nothing to do with logic and everything to do with a constant need to feel victimized. Understand aggy and you understand the modern day Republican Party.
  17. Insisting that the 5-star, former fan-favorite QB is still the starter would be the absolute funniest way for a new head coach to lose his fanbase.
  18. Didn't they spot this dude multiple holes ahead and stop him before he ever had the chance to do anything? I know we live in a world of black and white with no room for any gray, but seems pretty straightforward that they did exactly what they should have done here.
  19. Alternate Translation: Kamala wins the vast majority of scenarios where she wins the popular vote, which means my model showing Trump as the favorite contains a significant number of Trump winning the popular vote scenarios. Seems likely.
  20. Vibes are way off right now.
  21. For a country as gun-obsessed as ours, our assassins have really terrible aim.
  22. Yet another example of the ramifications of the dangerous policies implemented in liberal-run states like *checks notes* Florida.
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