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Chuckie Finster

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Chuckie Finster

  1. He definitely understands and knows that there will never be two VP debates. He's just trying to score cheap points when the second one doesn't happen.
  2. Mariners L, 2.5 up
  3. Might be the most I’ve ever seen a player single-handedly manufacture a run.
  4. The MAGA era is gonna come to an end because some weird dude couldn't stop going on podcasts 5 years ago. Unreal.
  5. Anecdotal, but I know numerous liberals from Texas/the South that have moved to NC in recent years. Seems almost like an East Coast Colorado in that it's a logical migration spot for folks looking to move away from red states.
  6. This will be popular with all the boomers on Facebook and literally nobody else.
  7. The incredibly vast majority of the country has no idea this occurred or what a twitter “space” even is. Tonight itself will have no impact, but it will allow the current narrative of Trump being older and less coherent than 2016 to continue, which is good news for Kamala.
  8. Honestly, Helo is a pretty good troll. Finds the exact two states that would shift this map to the other side, despite them having no correlation historically/demographics/etc.
  9. Don't hurt your brain trying to figure it out, it's this.
  10. Quinn just threw the TD pass in Tuscaloosa to AD to begin the fourth quarter and put us ahead. Is there a lot of game left? Yup. Am I still nervous as hell? Yep. But damnit I’d rather be in our shoes than the other side right now, and it’s okay to be happy for that.
  11. "We will tamp down the protests, request that the encampments not start again, leave the DNC alone, and allow you to straddle the fence publicly on this issue as long as you continue to meet with us on the side and commit to XXXX after the election. If these commitments are not made at that time, we will make the beginning of your presidency a living hell" would be an appropriate use of leverage, one that maximizes the odds of her election, and still gives the group legitimate power. This isn't hard... unless the goal is to protest rather than actually make change.
  12. What they need: her in office What she needs: this extremely controversial topic to not be the centerpiece of the campaign That's the trade. There's no other leverage, despite how much they want to whine about it on twitter. If they do not understand this, then they deserve to be ridiculed and their intelligence should be questioned.
  13. Getting Kamala in office is step 1 to any solution that could benefit Palestine and by far the most important one. Period, point blank. Anything that potentially jeopardizes that is a dumb fucking decision and shows that they have no understanding of leverage or how to accomplish their goal. Protest away starting on January 21, 2025. Go ahead, make her life hell... but good lord wait until she gets elected first and don't give anyone ammo to use against her.
  14. "I have no idea how to answer the question you just asked, so I will ramble nonsense in an attempt to not alienate my base while also not committing myself to anything specific." He gives this fucking answer to every question, and the lack of acknowledgement or pushback is infuriating after nearly a decade.
  15. If he continues to get endorsements from guys like Rogan, then undoubtedly Trump.
  16. Oh yeah, and she's a MUCH better speaker than the last time we all saw her on a national stage.
  17. That's all fair. I have generally come to avoid this topic because my views on it are not straightforward, likely conflicting, and honestly not worth trying to justify on a message board where I know people feel very strongly in the other direction. What I will gladly discuss, however, is process. You'll see posts of mine touching on it all over this forum, from the football board to the Astros thread to recruiting. Generally, I am okay with bad results as long as the process is sound. Game planning, making a baseball deadline deal, whatever: I get the most upset when the process is flawed from the start. I fully support the right to protest. I think it's an important part of the history of our country and we are better now than we used to be largely because of this right. But I cannot stand protesters that do not understand the assignment. The goal should not be to protest, the goal should be to drive change. Nobody has ever been swayed by dumbasses laying down on the highway blocking traffic to the airport. Nobody has ever seen those idiots throwing paint on works of art and decided to join the cause. So many of the protesters I've seen seem to have an end goal of yelling "Free Palestine" instead of actually fucking freeing Palestine. Learn your fucking audience, understand the objective, and act accordingly. There is nothing gained by claiming that you want to end western civilization, unless the only goal is to piss people off. I admit I've likely been too crass on the topic in here, but I assure you my hostility is not specifically toward a side in this conflict. It's towards stupidity and a flawed sense of self-importance.
  18. Mike Pence has his faults, but he's a good talker and decent debater. She universally won that debate, and her favorability went up after it. As long as she doesn't take the bait and allow herself to get really aggressive, she will look like an angel next to that lunatic we saw blabbering today.
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