That's all fair. I have generally come to avoid this topic because my views on it are not straightforward, likely conflicting, and honestly not worth trying to justify on a message board where I know people feel very strongly in the other direction.
What I will gladly discuss, however, is process. You'll see posts of mine touching on it all over this forum, from the football board to the Astros thread to recruiting. Generally, I am okay with bad results as long as the process is sound. Game planning, making a baseball deadline deal, whatever: I get the most upset when the process is flawed from the start.
I fully support the right to protest. I think it's an important part of the history of our country and we are better now than we used to be largely because of this right. But I cannot stand protesters that do not understand the assignment. The goal should not be to protest, the goal should be to drive change. Nobody has ever been swayed by dumbasses laying down on the highway blocking traffic to the airport. Nobody has ever seen those idiots throwing paint on works of art and decided to join the cause. So many of the protesters I've seen seem to have an end goal of yelling "Free Palestine" instead of actually fucking freeing Palestine. Learn your fucking audience, understand the objective, and act accordingly. There is nothing gained by claiming that you want to end western civilization, unless the only goal is to piss people off.
I admit I've likely been too crass on the topic in here, but I assure you my hostility is not specifically toward a side in this conflict. It's towards stupidity and a flawed sense of self-importance.