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Chuckie Finster

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Chuckie Finster

  1. Not to make light of the situation, but I feel like the first red flag for mental issues should have been raised when he committed to Texas fucking Tech.
  2. I'd put decent money on at least 2 of these WR transfers bailing in the Spring transfer portal.
  3. Reminder that Passan is a hack that publishes agent whining like the above in exchange for access. It's obvious in hindsight that the Astros removing themselves from the market completely tanked any leverage Boras/Bregman had, and I'd bet Boras realized that in the moment. Hence the bullshit tweet from Passan.
  4. This is an absolutely insane way to run a sport.
  5. We've got probably 7 OL currently on the roster better than anything we trotted out for about a decade and a half, starting in the Colt era. I'm not saying the OL is perfect, but "we can probably do better than Kyle Flood" is the type of comment that fuels the unfavorable Longhorn fan stereotype.
  6. Today is the day Quinn solidifies himself as a Longhorn Legend.
  7. It reeks of "MARK ADAMS DIDN'T GET ON THE PLANE!!!" from a few years ago. Worked out great for Tech!
  8. Giving a team as talented as we are the "nobody believes in us" card is honestly insane, but I'm not complaining.
  9. Even that screenshot is deceptive. If you watch it live, the defender just to the left of Golden in that screenshot (#8, I think) immediately crosses behind Golden and completely shut down that running lane, even if Quinn had made a quicker decision to run. Was just a busted play from the start.
  10. Yeah, escaping this wasn't a realistic option.
  11. I've watched the Golden TD about 100 times, and the radio call was the first time I realized ex-Longhorn Xavion Alford was the Safety he beat deep.
  12. Dunno who is gonna pull this game out, but feeling pretty confident that the Cotton Bowl winner will be your national champion.
  13. Same discussion happening in multiple threads, so I'll x-post:
  14. This is apparently too nuanced of a conversation for most college football fans to have, but if you take a step back and think about WHAT the targeting rule is trying to prevent, it's shit like what happened to Bond - a defender launching himself at the head of an airborne defenseless receiver. In order to enforce those hits, language has been included in the rule that unfortunately lumps in many "football plays" like the Taaffe tackle - a defender inadvertently colliding helmets with a running defenseless receiver while trying to make a tackle. I do agree that the Taaffe hit is usually called targeting, but I'm fine with neither being called. I'd understand if both were called. But to call the Taaffe hit WITHOUT calling the Bond one would literally be the exact opposite of the spirit of the rule. You are correct that the outrage is mostly fueled due to which team benefitted, not the call itself. If the jerseys were reversed and a Texas defender did what ASU did to Bond with no call, the texags servers would have burned College Station to the ground last night.
  15. Yeah I mean the goal wasn't to get into an argument over semantics, but I chose the word "pass" purposefully, rather than "play made by a QB." I'm not saying it's a top 5 moment in program history or anything, but I do think it's one of the most important PASSES we've seen from a QB wearing burnt orange.
  16. In terms of where Quinn falls among the UT greats, I absolutely agree. But I don't think there's many comparable "make this throw or the season is over" moments in Longhorn history, regardless of what happens the rest of the way.
  17. The book is still being written on his place in Longhorn lore, but given the circumstances, 4th and 13 is probably one of the top 5 greatest passes in program history.
  18. Highlights from today’s game are the best pitch we could ever make to any prospective transfer. Absolutely filled with plays from dudes who were wearing a different uniform 12 months ago (Golden, Bolden, Mukuba, T. Moore, etc)
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