I'm an American Jew. I've visited Israel once but have no real connection to the country, no family over there, nobody that I remain in regular contact with, etc. Like many other American Jews, I'm sympathetic to the Palestinian cause and not a fan of how the Israeli government has handled that situation. May just be my limited perspective, but in recent years I've noticed a real shift in sympathy towards the Palestinians and a desire from the rest of the world for the Israeli government to figure out a solution that works.
Yeah, that's all fucked now.
I understand the frustrations coming from the pro-Palestinian side, but this is the worst thing that could have happened for your cause. I've never seen my Jewish friends this despondent. The pro-Israeli hardliners will use this for the rest of their lives as justification for whatever comes next and you can already see how countries all over the world are trying to outdo each other with their public support of Israel.
I'm not here to argue fairness, as it is without question that what has happened to innocent Palestinians over the previous decades is not even remotely fair. But perception is the key to widespread change, and what Hamas has done in regards to perception is absolutely detrimental in the quest for peace.