Can Covid give you a UTI, cause frostbite in summer, and leave without a trace? Today I got my negative test result after nearly three weeks of the weirdest symptoms.
It started with burning while taking a leak. Urologist saw blood in my urine but no white blood cells but put me on antibiotics anyway. Around that time I was unusually tired, like worn-the-fuck-out-just-ran-a-marathon tired after days at work, which lasted almost a week. About one week in, I had a low grade fever for only a couple of evenings and the start of widespread body aches that are still kind of with me now.
About a week ago the pee pee symptoms and tiredness resolved but I developed a strange rash on my fingers, like frostbite, that actually have worsened. Also around then, my wife and two kids got fevers, with my wife complaining about soreness and food tasting weird. That made me finally go in and get tested, that and reading about unusual Covid symptoms that seem eerily like my own.
I've felt a little sticky in the back of my throat the past few days. Otherwise neither I nor any other family members have had respiratory symptoms.
I'm thinking about checking for antibodies but I don't really care. I figure I'll just assume no immunity, keep masking up, and staying away from people.