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Everything posted by berlinerbaer

  1. Let's break this down. Who is a non-potential Democratic primary voter? Most of them are Republicans or R leaners. She was never ever going to get their vote. If a poll sifts through the "independents" by asking one's lean, as Q-pac seems to do, a very few number of true independents remain. Here's a clue: the Q-pac poll has her 6 points above water among "indies" in general. Throwing out the leaners, she is probably above water among the true indies as well. There's also this. Republicans aren't going to vote for Biden either. Cool.
  2. Wow. Lost track of him ever since he left college. It's fitting that wears the silver and black. He was a beast at ASU and always good for one PF per game. If they called targeting back then, he wouldn't have gotten much playing time.
  3. I'm guessing he was candid and tough to his team after UCLA dropped 50 on him in a single half. Lots of good that did. When your team gets tripled up, chances are high that there was a coaching mismatch in addition to personnel mismatches or issues in motivation.
  4. 1) Oregon 2) Washington - One could easily argue for #1. 3) Utah - Move back into position as #1 in the south, this time with an offense to show for it 4) Colorado 5) USC - They need to heal up before they take on the Domers 6) ASU - Solid road win. They are a good, talented team on the upswing 7) Cal - They will (only) go as far as their depth takes them 8 ) WSU - Two losses in a row. Maybe Leach is right... 9) Stanford - Unimpressive last-minute win at home 10) Arizona - See #9 11) UCLA - A bad team with proven upset potential. Host the Beavs in next week's pillow fight. 12) OSU - Blew their best shot at a win for the rest of the year...
  5. Tuscon has the most home field advantage of any location in the Pac 12. Yes, even more than Eugene and Pullman. Good teams have lost to shitty ass Arizona teams there historically. UCLA wins this by two scores on a neutral field.
  6. They are also uncharacteristically bad on the lines. That's usually their strength.
  7. They've seemed to always have some Heisman runner-up on the team. Love, McCaffrey, etc. Not this year.
  8. Christian is no Alex
  9. And that is one banged-up O line, unless they got those guys back tonight.
  10. Against Evan Weaver, no less. Garbers looks good, which is essential if the defense isn't going to be stout tonight. Edit: Damn, son!
  11. I was not impressed winning against North Texas by 6 points. Then again, I don't know North Texas at all, other than Houston plays up there tomorrow. Cal starts slow at home. Hopefully that changes tonight with good attendance.
  12. I block walked for Beto and Sri Kulkarni last year. I found it to be surprisingly rewarding, and I would like to do something similar next year. I see myself donating to a presidential candidate but otherwise directing my efforts down ballot. Sri is running again and a local TX House candidate is getting some buzz. There's a shockingly few number of TX House seats that need flipping (like 10?) in order to flip the whole chamber. That would be HUGE.
  13. The angle on the lower vid is even better. He looks about a foot short.
  14. It has to be reassuring going up against Sumlin again. Worked out well for you guys a couple years back.
  15. WTF... 1) Oregon - They haven't shat the bed yet. That loss a Auburn doesn't look that bad 2) Washington - Back into form. Oct 19th will be fun. 3) USC - They have proven their depth. Helton is the one holding the team back. 4) Cal - Only undefeated team remaining west of Norman. Solid road win against the SEC SEC SEC! 5) Utah - Still a favorite to win the south. 6) Colorado - Another south contender. Still don't know how that loss against the flyboys happened. 7) WSU - Even the best Leach teams had their annual WTF game, but man... 8 ) ASU - Mediocre to good team. Will know more after their visit to Berkeley this Friday. 9) UCLA - Huge win, but need to see more, starting next weekend in the Desert. 10) Stanford - Are they bad or just middling? Either way, it's a first for David Shaw. 11) Arizona - Off yesterday. They need to beat UCLA. 12) OSU - I don't think this team is really the worst. They get Furd at home next weekend.
  16. Out west they call this a Coug-it. This is a record-setting example. I read that Pac teams had gone 84-0 when scoring 60+. Streak broken.
  17. Booker. That's a ticket that checks every single box.
  18. Of course it's about the winning (or lack thereof). Oregon fans and media tolerated all of Chip's personality quirks when the Ducks were winning P12 championships. He's wearing out his welcome because he's losing.
  19. Slick Rick left each of his stops in a worse position than when he arrived. He inherited the Colorado and Washington programs during the start of their downward trajectories and was unable to reverse the trends. It sucks to immediately follow McCartney at Colorado, so this is basically true by default. At Washington, he oversaw some good teams that were loaded with off-field problems. The program seemed to collapse when he left and sucked ass for six years. The lone exception might be UCLA. He left Mora some real talent to inherit, although he really squandered it during his time.
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