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Everything posted by berlinerbaer

  1. Tuscon has the most home field advantage of any location in the Pac 12. Yes, even more than Eugene and Pullman. Good teams have lost to shitty ass Arizona teams there historically. UCLA wins this by two scores on a neutral field.
  2. They are also uncharacteristically bad on the lines. That's usually their strength.
  3. They've seemed to always have some Heisman runner-up on the team. Love, McCaffrey, etc. Not this year.
  4. Christian is no Alex
  5. And that is one banged-up O line, unless they got those guys back tonight.
  6. Against Evan Weaver, no less. Garbers looks good, which is essential if the defense isn't going to be stout tonight. Edit: Damn, son!
  7. I was not impressed winning against North Texas by 6 points. Then again, I don't know North Texas at all, other than Houston plays up there tomorrow. Cal starts slow at home. Hopefully that changes tonight with good attendance.
  8. I block walked for Beto and Sri Kulkarni last year. I found it to be surprisingly rewarding, and I would like to do something similar next year. I see myself donating to a presidential candidate but otherwise directing my efforts down ballot. Sri is running again and a local TX House candidate is getting some buzz. There's a shockingly few number of TX House seats that need flipping (like 10?) in order to flip the whole chamber. That would be HUGE.
  9. The angle on the lower vid is even better. He looks about a foot short.
  10. It has to be reassuring going up against Sumlin again. Worked out well for you guys a couple years back.
  11. WTF... 1) Oregon - They haven't shat the bed yet. That loss a Auburn doesn't look that bad 2) Washington - Back into form. Oct 19th will be fun. 3) USC - They have proven their depth. Helton is the one holding the team back. 4) Cal - Only undefeated team remaining west of Norman. Solid road win against the SEC SEC SEC! 5) Utah - Still a favorite to win the south. 6) Colorado - Another south contender. Still don't know how that loss against the flyboys happened. 7) WSU - Even the best Leach teams had their annual WTF game, but man... 8 ) ASU - Mediocre to good team. Will know more after their visit to Berkeley this Friday. 9) UCLA - Huge win, but need to see more, starting next weekend in the Desert. 10) Stanford - Are they bad or just middling? Either way, it's a first for David Shaw. 11) Arizona - Off yesterday. They need to beat UCLA. 12) OSU - I don't think this team is really the worst. They get Furd at home next weekend.
  12. Out west they call this a Coug-it. This is a record-setting example. I read that Pac teams had gone 84-0 when scoring 60+. Streak broken.
  13. Booker. That's a ticket that checks every single box.
  14. Of course it's about the winning (or lack thereof). Oregon fans and media tolerated all of Chip's personality quirks when the Ducks were winning P12 championships. He's wearing out his welcome because he's losing.
  15. Slick Rick left each of his stops in a worse position than when he arrived. He inherited the Colorado and Washington programs during the start of their downward trajectories and was unable to reverse the trends. It sucks to immediately follow McCartney at Colorado, so this is basically true by default. At Washington, he oversaw some good teams that were loaded with off-field problems. The program seemed to collapse when he left and sucked ass for six years. The lone exception might be UCLA. He left Mora some real talent to inherit, although he really squandered it during his time.
  16. Yeah. Maybe my standards are high. I want to win. I'll feel better in the morning but right now I am disappoint.
  17. If the passing game would only play like they did in the second half with some consistency, then Cal could win 8+ games. An average all-around QB performance is all I'm asking for.
  18. 1) WSU - Haven't played anyone with a pulse yet, but damn they look good doing it 2) USC - Two solid wins to take the heat of Helton, for now 3) Utah - Early favorites to win the south, until last night? 4) Oregon - Nice rebound for what should be a 9+ win team 5) Colorado - Not sold yet but great comeback against The Corn 6) Cal - Impressive upset in Seattle after a lousy first week 7) Washington - Growing pains with a green QB 8 ) Stanford - Probably better than this ranking but last night will leave a mark 9) ASU - 2-0 but looks like a young team with some issues all-around 10) OSU - Two respectable losses (Rainbows are tough on the Islands) 11) Arizona - Sumlin can't field a defense worth a shit 12) UCLA - Chip can't field an offense team worth a shit
  19. LOL! I gave up following this game just before midnight central, slept like a baby, and woke up to this score. It's going to be a good Sunday. If only SC had lost, it would be perfect.
  20. I've worked peripherally in O&G for 5 years now, and there's too much about it that I don't get, but there are some recent trends I and others have observed that suggest that many of the characteristics people take for granted about the industry might be changing. Wall Street just isn't pumping money into it like it used to. That might be a lingering effect of the downturn, but I think some of it has to do with the arrival of renewables, which aren't going away. When I joined my company in 2014 (chemical supplier), I was told the next annual meeting was going to be in St. Thomas. Then it was California. Then it was cancelled altogether. We finally got around to having one in San Antonio just last year. This year, it was in downtown Houston, but only for the sales force. The downturn is over and yet, here we are. The point is that the days of people lighting cigars with $100 bills isn't that far away in the rear view mirror, but people still seem to think they're up ahead. I don't think they are. The sky-high salaries are going to come down. Either that, or the number of folks making them will drop due to layoffs. Speaking of layoffs, they happen by the hundreds of thousands every decade or so anyway thanks to the boom and bust inherent with the industry. Many of the folks who get the axe never go back to O&G. People talk about a generation gap in the workforce, with lots of young people and folks approaching retirement, but nobody in between. That's because those people went elsewhere. Bottom line is I don't see the GND, in the likely watered-down form it will take, doing all that much to alter the natural trajectory of the industry, which is to become overall more hostile to its workforce.
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