New territory isn't that bad. It's a middle-aged (mid 90's) neighborhood by Sugar Land standards with a sizable population of white Boomer empty-nesters and a sprinkling of olds. My precinct in the northeast of NT went for Trump by 6 points, IIRC. It's certainly diverse, though.
You're thinking of paTelfair, a real Sri Kulkarni stronghold. Drive through and notice the yard signs. I put them there myself. With permission, of course.
Correct, but Indian Americans break hard for their guy, if they happen to have one in the race. They do. Kulkarni will win the IA vote by 70 points, at minimum.
He's been all over the ethnic south and east Asian radio and TV stations giving interviews and has interviews and ad buys in all the Asian language and English language Asian cultural rags around town. He counts Hindi and Chinese among the 6 languages he speaks. The dude isn't shy about grabbing that Asian American vote.
He'll need the big turnout of minorities and professionals in Fort Bend to offset what will likely be tough sledding in Brazoria County, Shadow Creek Ranch aside.
If, IF he can pull it off next month, the seat will be his until he gets bored with it. He's as likely to win as Beto, if not moreso.