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Everything posted by berlinerbaer

  1. @Zonahorn How is the AZ state legislature looking so far?
  2. Do you forget these close electoral wins are in spite of unprecedented structural disadvantages? The people have spoken. This election is a much bigger mandate than 2020 was.
  3. and here I thought she was a reporter for ESPN
  4. Gotcha. The Bay Area is also more liberal than anywhere in So Cal so it would make sense they would have a deep Democratic bench. Out of curiosity, do you have any critiques of Padilla so far, or of his career at the state level?
  5. The Dem won the latest 13k ballot drop 52/48. I guess there are at least 100k ballots still out there, maybe 150k, but he needs to start doing better than that. He's down 12.7k (8%). Michelle Steel sucks and I hope she loses.
  6. I am a California native aware of the NorCal/SoCal social divide and I think this is a little nutso.
  7. I'm okay with this. She and her ilk are a drag on her party and will give R leadership fits the next 2 years.
  8. Somebody did. Nehls signs were everywhere.
  9. ABC news just called VA-07 for Spanberger. The Rs probably aren't picking up more than 20 seats in the House.
  10. I mean, anywhere really
  11. Congrats, Houston!
  12. My voting location in suburban Fort Bend county was a morgue when I went a week and a half ago but holy shit was it slammed today. Dem-leaning area too.
  13. I've been playing Civ 6 now for about a month and I agree. I feel like 5 was the best balance between depth and simplicity of the entire series, a significant upgrade from the complexity of Civ 4. Now it feels like they went overboard again. I will say that I love the diplomatic options, which is the branch of gameplay that I think I have the best handle on at this point.
  14. Goddamn young people dicking around as always
  15. Something about the Itaewon neighborhood that tends to take the awareness out of people.
  16. USA: our elections are decided by razor thin margins! Brazil: Segure minha cerveja!
  17. PA over the summer was at 48 - 38 D with 15+ undecided. Now its more like 48 - 45 D with less than 10% undecided. Dems aren't getting hurt as much as Republican leaners are finally coming around to accepting their guy. That makes for a coin flip in the purple states and probably a close loss in the redder places like OH and NC, where it may have appeared that the Dem was doing well. It also suggests that the Dem strategy of promoting shit GOP candidates was working. Was being the key word. I'm cautiously optimistic with Fetterman because he is still above 50% in some recent polls. It's when both candidates are knotted up in the mid 40s when we are at the whim of late-breaking infrequent voters.
  18. I would LOVE to find out. If a Texas statewide race comes down to a few recently deceased voters, that means Dems are creaming the GOP elsewhere in the nation.
  19. Tammy Baldwin in one hand, Ron Johnson in the other. What a weird state. Such a dichotomy will only be trumped by Ohio if Vance wins.
  20. The RU Embassy in Berlin is massive. Putting that wreck in front of it will be quite the image.
  21. Have we lost interest in the running tally of KIA Russian officers? Last I saw it posted must have been 2 months ago by now.
  22. Coup in China? Quite the opposite. Xi is about to cement his rule for life.
  23. A democratic Iran, or any regime less hostile to the rest of the world, is an existential threat to the Saudis and most other ME countries. They will attempt to muck any transition up, or at least weaken any alternative nascent Iranian government as best they can. They do not want sanctions lifted and the global market flooded with Iranian oil, not when they have the world by the balls after Russia's screwup. The US needs to be ready to play diplomatic hardball with our so-called allies in the region who may have self-serving motives, but we need to show restraint. We have been terrible at picking winners and losers with regards to Iran since the 1950s. We should not get directly involved, but we have the authority to ensure other countries in the region keep their distance as well.
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