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  1. We’re lucky to have Bo. We’re very unlucky to have the type of bitch made player that would think to record this, much less think it’s so mean and horrible that the world needs to hear it. I heard worse on high school JV buses and we didn’t need to be told to not be joking around after getting our shit pushed in.
  2. I don't see how we ever get back at this point. Bijan needs to transfer and I don't know how we recruit.
  3. Yeah this game is a train wreck.
  4. I'd guess it took 5-6 hours total over a few days. The weekly bounty gives you 40 (plus a handful from each daily bounty to get there). By the time I completed the weekly, I just needed to run the haunted forest 2-3 more times to get to 120. Also, for the daily bounty where you need to loot 5 lost sectors, you can just do the lost sector inside Devrim's church on the EDZ over and over. You can run past everything to the last room, kill the captain, run back out of the lost sector and repeat.
  5. Getting that 600 auto rifle from festival of the lost was huge. I’m leveling so fast now.
  6. Yeah, this. I have all these “pursuits” for powerful gear but I can’t do any of them yet. Also, seems like every day Reddit is raving about some awesome new secret mission being discovered that you have to be like 590 for.
  7. I kinda see why people didn’t like the Osiris expansion.
  8. I haven't played D2 since like 2 weeks after it came out. Been hearing all the hype and thinking about getting the DLC and trying to catch back up which I assume will take weeks or more. My GT is onewayticket2, you may remember me from party fouls such as dropping a Titan bubble on everyone at the last second against Oryx, causing us to wipe. I know you've all missed me.
  9. If he can be consistently mediocre and then not completely shit the bed in clutch time, it’s already a step up.
  10. Maybe it’s the same reason he essentially ran a guy off the team last year who happens to be the leading rusher in the NFL preseason this year. Tom Herman hates productivity from the RB position? Who the fuck knows.
  11. And then proceeded to talk about how the goal is competing for the conference title. Fucking LOL, you just lost to fucking Maryland.
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