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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. SIAP ...
  2. He's an involuntarily retired O-5.
  3. Mainly bitchin’’ about the no-call for targeting on (was it?) Cook … like that was a game changer. I asked them to confirm there is no penalty for “adjusting” an opposing receiver’s shirt-tail.
  4. Cockroach colleagues bitchin’ on fb this AM about having to play against UT and the refs … 🙄
  5. Yep ...
  6. Should You Buy an Extended Warranty on Your Car? - Clark Howard
  7. yep … considering he only sees things from the left
  8. I'm pushing 70 & have been on Losartan HCTZ (diuretic combo) for about 10 years. My problem is "white coat" hypertension. BP jumps up to the 180/100 range when I visit the doctor's office (worse at the dentist). I have a late model Omron cuff BP monitor and readings at home average 130/75 on a consistent basis. Recently consulted a cardiologist ... completed an EKG, ultrasound, and nuclear stress test. EKG and ultrasound came out fine, but the stress test showed possible "moderate to severe" blockage. Blood work was fine; never have had high cholesterol results. Went in for an angiogram and they found nada. Cardiologist told my Bride that my arteries were as clean as a 20-year old. He stated the stress test can be incorrect on occasion. "It happens". As to my white coat problem ... "try and relax". Right. 🙄
  9. can I get one at Radio Shack?
  10. WTF is a “discord” ? (apologies in advance for being a bboomer)
  11. PS Vue cut their cord ... youtube tv, no bono.
  12. Not a lawyer, but I don’t think she would encounter much resistance to do so ...
  13. At least she was given the option of having it done the easy way or the alternative.
  14. skeeter sez ... just scratch yourself, or get someone else to scratch what/where it itches
  15. meat out ...
  16. The Manhattan DA needs to be a hero ...
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