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Everything posted by GRHorn

  1. As he states in the video, this didn’t take deep dive reporting. This is all public record stuff. Don’t be such dolts.
  2. The headline overstates how much he rips on the MSNBC regards, but good short summary of the story.
  3. You use the same trick as a lot of the media and establishment. You try to create a link between questioning central planning and helping our adversaries. It’s not un-American to question authority. It’s actually quite the opposite. As far as inflation being transitory, we’ll just have to wait and see. Not commenting on the political virtue of this, but it was just announced that the new stimmies start in July via direct deposit. Essentially debt monetization funded UBI, unless taxes are raised. TBD
  4. A couple interesting lines in there. Measures imposed under the Obama administration, such as fitting migrants with ankle monitors to ensure that they attend court hearings later, are only sparingly used. and “What we’re hearing back home is that the new president is facilitating entry, and there is demand for labor,” said Rodrigo Neto, who came from Brazil, where the pandemic killed his business and left him overwhelmed by debt.
  5. The timing of the sudden announcement seemed fortuitous. The administration was having a rough week or so.
  6. Usually I let a string of stupid fucking posts go unaddressed. Especially when people are piling on. But I feel like it needs to be reiterated that you’re a total dipshit on this. Congratulations.
  7. Looks like you need to grocery shopping with JimmyJazz. He must get all the best deals.
  8. Are you a time traveler? Who the hell buys a N95 mask at heb in 2010?
  9. You’re such a pussy. It’s been noted multiple times that the vaccine hesitant are across the spectrum but definitely include black and Hispanic. And anecdotally, at the Walmart today people wearing masks today were definitely Black people and some Hispanics.
  10. Nobody is holding me hostage, but every step of the way on the return to normalcy we’ve seen a large segment of the population bitch and moan about it. Neanderthals and so on. If it were up to some people here Texas wouldn’t be open yet.
  11. I’d say there’s more vaccinated people getting to take their masks off, than unvaccinated unmasking, that weren’t already. so yeah I think it’s a net positive. It’s time to go back to living our lives as “normally” as possible. There’s some that aren’t ready for that. And that’s fine too, but they don’t get to hold the rest of us hostage.
  12. I’m going out on a limb and guessing you were referencing my post. I’m not traumatized by masks. You can wear them forever for all I care. I was encouraged to see people adopting a more rational stance. And let’s be honest, this is the one change that most signals a return to normalcy. That’s a good thing by me.
  13. it's just a joke, even if you think it's a bad one. don't be such a pussy.
  14. Inflation Is Here and Hotter Than It Looks. What It Means For You. | Barron's (barrons.com)
  15. It’s been years and years for me, but does Xanax still just come in the bars or footballs? How are people buying “Xanax” that has fentanyl in it?
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