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Everything posted by GRHorn

  1. I think one contributing factor to this mask show he’s putting on, is that he and his team are being extremely cautious due to the his age and physical frailty. They want his risk of contracting it to be as close to zero as possible.
  2. “At best, it makes public health measures seem performative, rather than science based. At worst, it calls vaccine efficacy into question.” well put
  3. The pandemic forced some parents to realize their day to day presence has been lacking for their kids and they’ve adjusted their lifestyle. That’s good.
  4. This is a funny thread of Bull Maher being similarly wrong on multiple things.
  5. This kind of general behavior plays into the hands of socially adept DT posters. Humans social animals and prefer to interact with people. Better things are going to happen for those getting back to real life.
  6. I saw this last night. This is OK, Boomer crystallized into a comedy segment. So many straight up falsehoods included. The good news is it’s just more evidence of the upside still available for people already participating in the market.
  7. So, do we really think outside influences like boosters influence who’s the starting QB? If so, the coaches that are acquiescing to that are betas that shouldn’t be UT head football coach and I’m glad they’re gone. I think Sark is smart enough and has enough experience to keep these issues at bay. This isn’t McAllister little league. The people that are the best will play.
  8. What does this have to do with me? I’m talking more systemic changes. Once the IRS can demand routine personal account statements directly from banks that’s not something that’s walked back. It will only get advanced in a bad way. This is pretty obvious.
  9. Yes And people on this forum think oh great IRS is going to get those rich tax dodgers, but this is the financial privacy version of mission creep. We just need more info on “rich” people’s finances. Oh wait, actually we need more info that’s slipping through our grasp. Oh wait, now the US government needs account statements on all Americans like they’re your freaking mortgage lender. Yes let’s give the government more power into people’s finances. JFC So shortsighted by people cheering this on.
  10. Well shit Florida was like that last summer. On a positive note, my neighborhood gas station is 90% no masks. Also after today I can tell you if you want a real no mask experience, go to Planet K.
  11. So, it’s about feelings? At least you’re being honest. I’d go more with overly cautious, but whatever.
  12. FIFY. Oh yeah, and if a recent IRS director says he has no idea how to spend that much money, you can be guaranteed that it will not just be “rich” people’s accounts being tracked. In fact I haven’t actually seen the parameters of who they will want to track. It wasn’t in the Treasury guidance. Try again. I’ve never been a big fan of the police. Especially the Feds. Especially the Tax Man.
  13. But Biden is throwing so much new funding at the IRS that it isn't clear whether the agency will be capable of using it all. "I'm not sure you'd be able to efficiently use that much money," John Koskinen, who ran the IRS for part of the Obama presidency, tells The New York Times. "That's a lot of money."
  14. What a dipshit. So for the foreseeable future he’s going to wear masks around vaccinated people if they come within 6 feet? #Science He knows you don’t need to do that, but he’s signaling to his followers to do it. Subtly making sure people stay in compliance. You can’t tell me it’s not about maintaining control. Normalizing it. So weird.
  15. I should’ve said fiscal stimulus. Monetary side is zero rates and monetizing the debt.
  16. I regret to inform you that it’s time for you to pay your fair share. Your sacrifice is appreciated.
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