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Everything posted by GRHorn

  1. Yeah I don’t believe they’ll get 9x the money back from catching people loose with their taxes. Wealthy people that pay less taxes do so through legal means. Inevitably these resources being provided to the IRS will have to be used somewhere and they’ll likely hassle more regular people than anybody else. But yeah let’s give the IRS more money to go after people.
  2. If you’re only hodling BTC I see no reason to pay extra for the X.
  3. That’s quite a bit. I’m skeptical on the ROI.
  4. The only actual violence perpetrated against members of Congress in recent memory was carried out by a Bernie Bro. Despite what AOC may have said.
  5. It’s true. I can’t really think of anybody that gets me so worked up I want to fight them. Most people outside the cabal don’t get as mad at politicians as y’all do. One name that jumped to mind that isn’t purely political person but a scumbag criminal with a punchable face that is also anti Bitcoin. Jamie Dimon.
  6. It was always too good to be true.
  7. GRHorn

    Gun Control

    If you’re out somewhere remote fly fishing it doesn’t surprise me that people would carry with them.
  8. Yes you should look elsewhere. PayPal doesn’t allow you to withdraw your BTC, which may not seem like a big deal to you when you first enter the space, but if withdrawing funds is not an option you don’t truly own the coins. There’s a couple clear options for buying crypto. The simplest Ux to me is the CashApp if you already use that, but it’s only BTC. You hold your coins on your phone. It’s secure but I wouldn’t hold huge amounts on it. If you don’t want to hold anything on your phone personally or want to buy Eth or some other shitcoin probably the most popular choice is Coinbase. If your just starting to dabble though I would stick to BTC or if you want Eth. As far owning a hardware wallet there’s a few options. Coldcard, trezor, Ledger. I own a Ledger Nano S. It’s pretty straightforward to setup. You can store BTC Eth or several different shitcoins on there.
  9. Why does he want to play defense?
  10. Coming soon here? What an excellent example of govt efficiency. $2,600 per Month per homeless person for an official tent city in a parking lot.
  11. They all have IDs, I guess. That’s weird. I’ve been told that’s a huge adulting step that gets in the way.
  12. GRHorn

    Gun Control

    You’re going to have to move these kinds of post to the comedic thread. That’s just too funny.
  13. Don’t listen anymore so I don’t know if Junior is actually mocking here. Evidently Lawrence accepted signing bonus in ETH.
  14. Looks like the bottom is in. Our long national nightmare is over.
  15. Negging this post just shows how ridiculous some of y’all are.
  16. Hey Jim, are there any pictures of you wearing blackface at an old Christmas party for your law firm? A lot of times when these things first come to light, other old stuff starts popping up. Might want to get out in front of it. Don’t worry, you’ll be forgiven here.
  17. The original tweet for reference. and the reply. Lol
  18. Oh, is that a fact? I wonder if I would have gotten the same reception if I had typed the exact same sentence?
  19. Ohhhh Jimmer, Jimmer. That’s rather unseemly. You’ll get away with it though like most Democrats do, but I’m gonna call you Jimmy Northam from now on.
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