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Everything posted by GRHorn

  1. Well looks like the Neanderthals got something else right. Thank you SEC and ACC for basically forcing everyone’s hand so we would have CFB last year.
  2. We’re specifically talking about increased violent crime and gun violence. If you rate how much something has contributed to that on a scale of 1-10, I’d put a year of social/family isolation and financial hardship at about a 9.5. And I’d put the idiots from January 6th at about 0.25, and that’s being generous. Don’t be so stupid.
  3. You think these people raising hell and getting shot are in any way upset about Gen Viking Hat? Cmon.
  4. I think you uploaded the wrong pic. I don’t see any cocaine or prostitutes. I went to Jaco for a bachelor party several years ago. Had no idea what I was getting into. It was like Mexican border towns x10. Ever since then I realized gringos that buy homes down there are degenerate pervs. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
  5. It appears so, young scientist.
  6. Ok last post. Some Interesting metric data from the blockchain In summary-LFG
  7. Actually if you break down MSTR it looks like it’s at a pretty good spot. They own 91,576 BTC. At 56,500 per that 5.17B in BTC. Their legacy business before diving into BTC was valued at about 1.2B. So 6.37B. Current market cap 6.3B. So trading at about par.
  8. Sold another 1/3 of my Riot calls today, rotated the proceeds to gbtc. Looks like I might’ve puked them at the bottom, still a huge win. A lot of these proxies like riot, Si, Mstr arent behaving as reliably since Coin went public. I think people are going to focus more on that stock, especially bigger fish.
  9. I think you’re wrong. Getting to $2 would push it near ethereum’s current cap. Extremely unlikely, but I guess anything is possible in crypto.
  10. @Wanker Bob i don’t know if he moved to New Zealand but he was really salty that his wife went out with girlfriends for drinks.
  11. I’m not saying it’s consequential, but I like when it turns out know it all’s actually don’t know shit.
  12. The truth is disgusting? This was the remaining open question about that day. Now it’s answered. The offenders from that day should all go to jail for a long time as far as I’m concerned.
  13. It will be interesting to track. Will it indeed be "transitory" as the Fed's language suggests? IMO continued direct stimulus could be a big part of what tips it further. I'm not arguing against stimulus btw. I just see it as likely to happen. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/04/16/will-there-be-a-fourth-stimulus-check-what-we-know-so-far.html
  14. oh no i'd say your team took the W fo sho.
  15. This post covers stablecoins, but has some good points on btc and usd. It's also from September and the numbers are much larger now. https://www.coindesk.com/crypto-dollar-surge-opportunity "Today, the U.S. is still the center of gravity as far as bitcoin and the crypto-dollar ecosystem are concerned. This is a significant advantage that should not be squandered. Policymakers should be thanking their lucky stars that a putative successor to the U.S’ financial infrastructure is a largely American phenomenon. The U.S. can continue to muddle down an increasingly exclusionary path and punish subscribers to its financial infrastructure by burdening them with political dictates, or it can embrace a neutral alternative. Self-disruption would be a significant bullet to bite, but it suits the U.S. Values like liberty, privacy, free enterprise and personal autonomy are embedded into our Constitution and social fabric. One can hardly think of a better nation to underwrite a shift to a truly neutral payments and settlement infrastructure."
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