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Everything posted by GRHorn

  1. You never answered what it meant to be less white, after you professed to have a clear understanding of it.
  2. Thank you Mr President. I’ll return to my bunker and await your final clearance to congregate.
  3. Tbf the investigation into if Covid was bioengineered should’ve been quick and straightforward.
  4. I'm sorry sir, but nowadays we no longer accept nuance. People are either all good or all bad. No in between. Your compliance is appreciated.
  5. I forgot part. If you want to buy multiple cryptos, the easiest way is probably still Coinbase. If you want to buy just small amounts of BTC quickly and easily as you start out on your phone then I would choose the CashApp. Hope this info helps.
  6. It’s seen as an overhyped blockchain that is not being worked on by many good projects and was started by disgruntled Eth cofounder who has a poor reputation. From a mostly Bitcoin standpoint this site has some good resources in the how it works section. It can be a bit like drinking from the firehose. https://www.lopp.net/bitcoin-information/getting-started.html Andreas has a lot of good talks on Bitcoin. This is a good one from a few years back. This book is a good collection of his talks that resonated with me early on. https://www.amazon.com/Internet-Money-Andreas-M-Antonopoulos/dp/1537000454
  7. Hey the press just wants a little back and forth with the Big Guy
  8. I know way more about the bitcoin ecosystem vs ethereum, but it reminds me of summer 2017 when btc was having scaling issues and all the fights/forks that went along with that. The miners are unhappy with the proposed switch to proof of stake consensus, which is another issue. So there's a lot of hoops to jump through. I don't know enough about all the technical aspects of things, but it feels like Eth still has so much momentum behind it that they will be given enough time by the market to figure out scaling before there's a mass jump away from it. People want to see it work. One thing I do feel pretty comfortable saying, is that ADA is pretty universally regarded as a trash coin by serious people in the crypto community. If you're looking for an eth killer bet, go with DOT or SOL or even BNB because of the Binance Side Chain.
  9. 1- How what works? Blockchains? Or just how to buy stuff? 2- I would put things in a couple buckets. There will be a digital global hard currency. For now bitcoin is that and is ahead by miles. If you put any money in crypto you have to start there. Then there is the ethereum/defi/nft ecosystem. It involves a lot of shitcoins and can be overwhelming honestly. If you're new to crypto I would suggest splitting between the two. Say 75/25 btc/eth. That is until you take the next step of buying shitcoins if you dare, but that is high risk even for crypto. That's the simplest way to break it down as it stands today.
  10. Welcome aboard! We’re all gonna make it. As we know BTC is tough to time, but I think we’ll see one more dip to 51-52k and then we go for the next leg. I think a good strategy would be to buy about half the amount you’re targeting now, leaving the other half for a buy on the possible dip. If it doesn’t dip at all at least you got to wet your beak a little bit.
  11. One of Norway's largest companies going in on Bitcoin. For the enthusiasts here, there's not a ton of new insights, but it's well written and a good reminder that this is a global phenomenon. If the US tries to "ban Bitcoin" then we will be unnecessarily taking a back seat to innovation produced elsewhere. https://www.seetee.io/static/shareholder_letter-6ae7e85717c28831bf1c0eca1d632722.pdf
  12. Only a dumbass equates the importance and value of vaccines with mass testing at this phase of the pandemic.
  13. Again where did I say I cared here from a monetary standpoint? If they’re going to spend that money might as well divert it to something useful. It’s just a stupid place to throw money now. There’s nothing partisan about what I’m saying here. You’re arguing with me because you have a lizard brain that sees my name and disagrees with my post. Try to expand your mind a bit.
  14. Devoting that much resource wise to testing at this point is a waste plain and simple. You’re fighting the pandemic from 9 months ago. Just incompetence. It’s not even the money. I don’t really give a shit. The US Govt’s spending has been out of control and it will stay that way until corrected by outside forces.
  15. Is $46B nominal bloat? Because that much for testing at this point in the pandemic is just burning up money. Classic example of government running behind what’s actually happening.
  16. How about we just close whatever loophole this is, instead of creating a new and complicated regime of taxation to be revised/tracked/gamed?
  17. We're gonna need a lot of anal swabs The two biggest mistakes made were Trump's terrible messaging, especially initially, and not restricting travel from Europe at the same time as we did China. Our country was at an initial disadvantage because New York is the global financial and air travel hub. Our country was seeded heavily at the beginning and we didn't even know it. We'll never know how much of an impact those changes could've made, but we've essentially been in the same ballpark as our Western European counterparts deathwise.
  18. Good so I can put you down for $100 on that wager?
  19. Still hold Riot, Si, And Mstr. They’re behaving appropriately now. Might see one more dip but excited for the next leg up.
  20. I never said it was a master plan. It’s a good backup plan though. I’m sure everyone in those top level meetings has the same thoughts. If he has the same issues all day that he does during his brief public appearances then it will become inevitable. I suspect it will escalate. This isn’t the campaign where you can take a week off to prepare for a 2hour test like a televised debate. Every day is a test.
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