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Everything posted by GRHorn

  1. Are we being serious? She was shuffled in some room with a bunch of people. Meanwhile some of the cops there were taking pics with the belligerents. Rand Paul was part of an mass shooter situation by a radicalized leftist that actually nearly killed a Congressman. Y’all are a bunch of clowns. Objectively AOC was under less risk of harm due to political violence than a whole bunch of Republican congressmen.
  2. Her life was never close to being in danger. Did the Viking hat guy get close to her or something? Please. Drama queen. Rand Paul has been closer than AOC to serious harm via political violence at least twice. She’s redic.
  3. They’d want to because it would provide them a shit load of cash. but... I don’t work in financial services, just follow the market, but typically secondary offerings have to be priced at a certain amount per share. My understanding from people in the industry is that no investment banks will price out secondary offerings on stocks that are this volatile. The entities that they help secure the stock could get burned badly. What if the stock is $50 on Tuesday? Bad business. They could do an ATM offering. At the market. Basically saying they will sell stock “from time to time depending on market conditions”. But my understanding is that is also less likely due to volatility. We’ll see. The most pressing concern over the weekend is probably RH finding liquidity, apparently. Basically that’s why they’re restricting lot sizes even in unrelated stocks.
  4. I think I can help here. I’ll use a hypothetical to determine if you’re a no big deal guy. Let’s say you’re driving, or walking, by your local park. As you get closer you notice something interesting. It appears there’s a group of 4 soccer moms at the mom with their kids. They appear to be talking and enjoying themselves while their kids are playing. They happen to be doing so while in the absence of a face covering of any sort. How does this make you feel? A) I’m angry. I’m so angry I might pull over and tell them about it, but if I don’t I will surely log onto the internet and relate the horror I just witnessed. B) why do I care? They’re outside. C) These moms might be hot. I should investigate. If you answered anything other than A, you’re a no big deal guy and need to question all life choices and publicity reaffirm your adherence to #science. Hope this helps.
  5. Slow fade on GME. Bearish-options expiry today leads to decreased gamma squeeze. bullish-Autists refuse to sell and the cost to borrow for shorts continues. am i right here?
  6. You’re right. Context does matter. Against the backdrop of the media’s continuous tongue baths for every left leaning political figure, I guess it’s possible for the publishing of a column titled, “Andrew Cuomo’s Covid-19 Performance May Have Been Less Stellar Than it Seemed” to be equated to “saying he fucked up and deserves criticism” and “how reporting works”. Most people can see the absurdity of that, but it’s clearly missed by some.
  7. Well @washparkhorn I’m back to disagreeing with her.
  8. I’m holding, just for kicks. I think the autists will “hold the line”. Lol
  9. I need some help here. Can we come up with more sensitive names for these variants?
  10. CNN coming out swinging. Watch out Cuomo! Andrew Cuomo's Covid-19 performance may have been less stellar than it seemed lololololol
  11. Publishers are using their discretion to not publish nonsense by one person, while publishing nonsense by another. Because evidently they don’t get it. Like a lot of people. Despite the assertions of Captain.
  12. I mean there are enough people blind enough to think he did a good job, that he got to publish a book patting himself on the back. And this is while other political authors get deals cancelled. So some people didn’t get it.
  13. Binance no longer services Us customers. They changed a while back.
  14. This is easy. Pick the fastest short white guy on the field. I haven’t watched yet. Is there a Danny Woodhead type player?
  15. Congrats! That’s so awesome. And so predictable in hindsight.
  16. Yeah I get that. Today was just a stark reminder of why it’s appealing to control your own keys.
  17. Goddamnit. Until now I hadn’t bot any $GME. I’m buying some tomorrow morning just to participate.
  18. We’re through the big wave. No hospitals overwhelmed. No refusing care to people because of lack of resources.
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