A couple glaring problems to me with this guidance. Requiring young kids to wear masks when it’s not required in almost any other setting is nonsensical. And don’t tell me kids will be grouped inside, it’s different. That’s nonsense. All the overnight summer camps are back. All the sports day camps are back. Vacation Bible School. It definitely feels like a set up to try to coerce vaccination of young kids (6-12) for a disease that causes them almost no symptoms. To no one’s surprise here, I find that dubious at best.
For older kids (12-18), punishing those who don’t get vaccinated perhaps because they have natural immunity is again nonsensical. Again to no one’s surprise, I think attempting to coerce young males that have already had covid to be vaccinated given the warning signs out there, is wrongheaded at best, and negligent at worst.
Thank God there’s a large segment of the population that will disregard this. For sure my school district will.