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Steel Shank

Certifiably Surly
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About Steel Shank

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  1. The Tarrant County jail is one jail I’ve never seen from the inside.
  2. Sometimes after laying pipe for 3 or 4 hours, I need to hit the oxygen. Guess that one still had some in it.
  3. Looks like I need to have a little chat with JT on the appropriate ways to lay pipe. Also, the chicks working at a high end spa/massage place are going to be way hotter than at some skanky place, which explains blowing his mangunk all over the place without them touching him.
  4. ^^^^ Wow! @Hermanator, you got a source? I’d like to use that.
  5. Those are different cities and they’re spelled differently. Negged!!
  6. Just looked her up. Holy shit. She used to be hot, now she’s damn scary looking. Mannish.
  7. From what I saw, the final group was often waiting on the group in front of them. Not sure who it was ahead of them causing the slow play. I think the final group waited on the tee for 14 minutes or so on 16 or 17 (can’t remember which).
  8. Which is impressive in itself.
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