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Steel Shank

Certifiably Surly
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9617 Surly 1%

About Steel Shank

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  1. Maybe it's all just a big misunderstanding?
  2. I'd fuck the shit out of those eyebrows.
  3. Jerry Fuckin' Reed for the win!
  4. You Don't know who I am But I know all about you I've come to talk to you tonight About the things I've seen you do. I've come to set the record straight I've come to shine the light on you Let me introduce myself I'm the cold hard truth
  5. You sound like a man who appreciates gash.
  6. On my Steel Shank's Big Board, I have Reed as the prohibitive favorite to win the Heisman next year.
  7. Didn't the ASU qb talk shit the last time we played them?
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