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Steel Shank

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Steel Shank

  1. The emerald ash borer is wiping out just about all of the ash trees across the continent. It already did it’s damage in Europe. What makes it doubly bad is they were one of the most popular replacements for the American elms, and they have finally reached mature, stately size. Dutch elm disease killed most of the American elms, which were/are a fantastic tree. Fortunately, there are hybrids that are resistant, although the fungi that cause the disease can mutate. I planted 8 Vanguard elm (a.k.a. Morton Plainsman) trees at our last house 10 years ago, and they’re doing great. They are a hybrid of Siberian and Japanese elms. 
    I planted two red oaks and a bald cypress at our first house in Dallas. All three are 40-45 feet tall now. I planted three burr oaks, two Texas red oaks, and two chinkapin oaks at our Austin house, and then dozens of green ash (adios), elms, fruit trees, and oaks since we’ve moved from Austin. The problem is, we never stay in one house long enough to enjoy them as adult trees. Johnny Appleseed didn’t whine about it, so I guess I shouldn’t. 

    Planting trees is cool. Good work. Keep it up.
  2. 3 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Yep, that's it.  My girlfriend at the time basically ran The Pit.

    I don't remember Jack being there.  I remember the blind guy on piano.  Ran into him at a piano bar near the Summit ski area in Colorado one year.

    Chunk n Tater

  3. 1 hour ago, Homesickhorn said:

    Pretty big boy there. How many rattles?

    I didn't think to count. The neighbors are fairly new and it was the husband's first time dealing with a rattler. I told him to keep the tail and show his buddies.

  4. 11 minutes ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:
    31 minutes ago, Steel Shank said:

    HOUSTON (AP) -- Authorities say a 26-year-old Houston woman who was driving an SUV toward her children in an apparent game of "chicken" struck and killed her 3-year-old son.

    Harris County prosecutors said Friday that Lexus Stagg is charged with criminally negligent homicide in the June 11 death of her son.

    They say surveillance video from an apartment complex shows Stagg getting into a Lincoln Navigator, then backing up. As her three young children began running after her, she drove the SUV forward. Two children moved out of the way, but the 3-year-old was caught under a tire.

    Read more  

    Well... she carries into prison a 1-0 record in chicken.

    I see that you're a "glass is half-full" kinda guy. I dig that outlook!

  5. HOUSTON (AP) -- Authorities say a 26-year-old Houston woman who was driving an SUV toward her children in an apparent game of "chicken" struck and killed her 3-year-old son.

    Harris County prosecutors said Friday that Lexus Stagg is charged with criminally negligent homicide in the June 11 death of her son.

    They say surveillance video from an apartment complex shows Stagg getting into a Lincoln Navigator, then backing up. As her three young children began running after her, she drove the SUV forward. Two children moved out of the way, but the 3-year-old was caught under a tire.

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