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Steel Shank

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Steel Shank

  1. Well aren't we the fancy motherfucker.
  2. This has to be the worst logo in the history of the world.
  3. Your momma didn't 86 my sweet lovin' last night.
  4. What do you want to bet this cat was also driving the wrong way down the lane before pulling in (shittily)?
  5. Not sure wtf you're talking about but sounds aight. Put me down as a yes.
  6. Assholes! They invaded Poland twice!
  7. That's my fetish!
  8. Redefining the term "City of Brotherly Love".
  9. cold blooded
  10. I❤️Cheese Hinges
  11. I’m already there with the graphite shafts!
  12. The only scratching I'm doing is on deez nuts.
  13. What are the Surly experts' thoughts on the Zeihan video above? Specifically the idea of Putin using nukes if the win in Ukraine.
  14. You got the munchies, judgey-wudgey?
  15. It's just that easy!
  16. You need to just go ahead and put the tater salad on the sandwich. At least that's what I'd do.
  17. Cops are the only people who go to the hospital/emergency room when they get a minor abrasion or bruise. Fucking pussies. The cop needs to show us pics of his "injuries".
  18. When I'm laying, yes. Yes it does.
  19. With tremendous enthusiasm and merriment.
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