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Steel Shank

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Steel Shank

  1. Do you think that Smitty's/Kreuz/CM have "fallen off" due to their popularity? So Texas Monthly comes out with the "Big 3" article some years ago, everybody in Texas goes batshit crazy and now all of the sudden they've got long lines. In an effort to feed these people, they start changing what they're doing - cheaper, faster, more volume, etc. These practices become entrenched, and now that things have slowed down a bit for them, they don't know how to get back to what brung 'em (DKR). Just a thought. Louie Mueller seems to have held on, although I'm sure some smartass will argue, but hey, that's what we do.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Alien Octopus said:

    Actually, never met a Techster who did not drink, and did not like to throw the bullshit around. One of my best friends is a shit talking hard drinking tech grad. We call each other Kettle and Pot, because well, and always quoted Krusty the Clown about Surly way before this site wasn’t shaggy. Tech has smoking hot women, are good people and are worthy. Fuck the haters, sand aggy can stay in the sand box as far as I am concerned. Slorch, I think was on the other site before Shaggy, he was alright back there too.


  3. Been to a bunch of games up in Lubbock over the last 30 years. Never had any trouble, but then I don't act like an asshole. Also, I'm from the area originally, so maybe I know how to handle myself, and they can also probably smell it in my pee.

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