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Steel Shank

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Steel Shank

  1. 1 hour ago, Tailgate said:

    Ya, was one row down from this in sec 3. Campus police and APD showed up right after and had to handcuff the punk on the way down the stairs because he wouldn’t keep his mouth shut amd his arms down. When it first started it looked like it was going to get bigger (more people) than it did.

    Were you getting to throw down, too?

  2. 5 hours ago, bigup2dahorns said:

    On the protocol for handling the post shooting, I just saw a former DPD higher-up postulate that it should have been treated as OIS, officer involved shooting. He claimed that because she did not change out of her DPD uniform, gave police commands, and acted in Dallas, that her actions should be viewed as an officer of Dallas police. So that should have set off a series of protocols on how to handle things, but clearly they (DPD, DA, Mayor, whoever) went a different direction.

    Sounds like DPD had the Texas Ranger write their narrative, then they can say, "We didn't write that. He did." 

    Not only is DPD corrupt, they're also highly stupid.

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