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Steel Shank

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Steel Shank

  1. 9 hours ago, hullabelew said:

    Same bar a couple of weeks ago.  Some drunk and high customer.    He told the bartender he would pick up my tab.  Unbeknownst to him, I had lunch there, had bought several shots at lunch....then had returned for an afternoon session.  

    I handed Amy my credit card...she pushed it back and said, "Dipshit said put your tab on his."  I gave her $40 and told her if it went to shit, to let me know.  Never heard anything after that.  

    Anyway, that drunk fucker actually uttered the following.

    "Either someone farted or that food smells really good."  

    Hell fuckin'yeah.

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  2. 9 hours ago, M12BH said:

    Couldn't get to my yoga studio because the street was blocked off.  Fuck you shooter/shootee.  In the meantime the Houston doc shooter offed himself pretty much across the street from my parents' house, police/media is set up in my parents' front yard so I've gotten a play-by-play of all that from my mom.  Hell of a morning.

    Sorry to hear about your yoga class.







    No, not really.

  3. 53 minutes ago, Parliament said:



    So...I'm gonna go there. Maybe a group of (basically) unbiased, uninvolved people should be charged with investigating this and then making a recommendation.


    We can argue the virtue of each individual in the working group, but doing it this way is a solid plan. Let's not let emotion rule.


    As a public institution, everything they look at will be public record. We'll know what they know. Probably.






    I don't think they understand what "independent" means.

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