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Steel Shank

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Steel Shank

  1. Paper plate and you're set. I say this because I, too, have two hamburger patties in my fridge that I've been thinking about what I'll do with them. There used to be three, but I snacked on one last night while perusing Surly.

    • Like 2
  2. 25 minutes ago, Lobo said:


    Bingo.  Chief of Staff offers not just Athletic Dept. comp. paid for by sponsors and LHF, but now she'll get additional protection from the Tower.  Just a question now how del Conte can placate her, keep her outta the way.

    Women. smh

  3. 6 hours ago, phdhorn said:

    I made out with my girlfriend in the Maryland State House when I was in college.  I mean just going at it.  Inside a huge state room.  I don't know why.  I guess that's what you do when you're in college.

     It's a beautiful state house, too.

    Annapolis is one of the coolest cities in the U.S.


  4. 24 minutes ago, Cairn Horn88 said:

    I actually feel sorry for Arky.  I really do.  For a while, I didn't think that Arky had the best team, until they had won 4 straight.  Then, last night, with two outs, and two strikes....they come within a strike or catching a pop fly from winning the national championship.  They were soooooy close.  That's what really stings.

    Then, the best team gets a super clutch hit to tie the game and another homer to win it...all the air went out of Arky, and you could just tell they came in flat tonight, and OSU had that extra something, and they got lights-out performances from their freshman pitcher and clutch hits.  20 straight outs by their pitcher and Arky never recovered.  So, although I do not like Arky, I can't imagine how they will feel for the rest of their lives, knowing they were on the edge of their dugout, ready to go dog pile, only to let it get away.  They did have a great team this year,  actually the 2nd best.

    This is well written, well thought-out and expertly delivered.

    • Like 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, Reese Bennett said:

    Incumbent Seattle punter, 36 yo John Ryan, told the Seattle GM, "I'm going to make you look really dumb."

    Seattle GM : "Whatevs."

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