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Steel Shank

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Steel Shank

  1. On 5/26/2018 at 3:14 PM, RMac5 said:

    United grocery store had choice packers for $1.77/lb, grabbed 2 of em and got em on smoke now.

    Anyone know if the raw ones freeze well and cook out ok? Started to buy several but didn’t know about how they do out of the freezer.

    You up in God's Country? South Plains?

  2. 13 hours ago, pearlandhorn said:

    I took astronomy in college for my science credits.  Bitches love astronomy.  For anyone who doesn't believe there other complex carbon based life forms in the universe (are there any of those people left?), take a look at that picture.  Makes you feel very, very small in the grand scheme of things.  We aren't special.

    Same here. I dig this shit, and I get that as an individual, I'm not much in the grand scheme of things. But my time here is real, so I will make the best of it. I'll try and be nice to people, raise my kids right, love my wife and sing Elvis on karaoke. Because Elvis is that big. And also BBQ as much as I can.

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