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Steel Shank

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Steel Shank

  1. On 4/5/2018 at 3:14 PM, wood said:

    ....OK, so I'll resume this shit with the new right turn from the SB Mopac exit ramp to Davis. Tell your friends they don't have to stop any longer when turning right, esp all you folks who are using this exit to avoid the shit at Slaughter. Seems like about 1 out of every 3 cars is still stopping there, backing traffic way up the ramp. 

    I did this yesterday (stopping). First time through there with the new change. Won't do it again. I promise. Just wanted to be honest and fess up.

    • Like 1
  2. On 4/5/2018 at 9:15 AM, Landomatic said:

    Oh yeah, I get exactly what you were going for.  Just seems a little authentic for this thread.  I mean, if I make a really kick ass burger and nail all the proper ingredients, can I just throw it on a paper plate and post it here?  Now, had you put that chicago dog on a tortilla instead of a bun?  Or had you skipped the authentic relish and "dusting of celery salt" and just crunched the chips on top?  Now we're talking.  But, what the fuck do I know?  Needs a ruling from @Steel Shank obviously.

    I think it's fine for the thread. He had the stuff and he made himself a hotdog, along with the appropriate beer (Bud is a St. Louis beer). The bottom-of-the-bag chips is a nice touch.

    That other egg shit post is a no go.

  3. On 3/25/2018 at 1:12 PM, sidis said:

    Shaggy came online in 2007 and hit it big in 2008. We had two good years sans Gideon and then went into the shitter for the majority of shaggy’s life and it sucked. 


    The surly era is a return to not being in the shitter. 


    It is known. 

    Your momma hit big last night.

  4. 51 minutes ago, Pasken said:

    Which projects? They caught the tunnel fuckups pretty early on and have spent most of the last few years trying to get fixes in. There was a boring statesman article that explained the timeline better than initial reports. They should appoint an independent review to see what more the city could have done. The fuckup on the Capitol View Corridor is obviously a big slight. 

    Library could should been better but the final product is pretty great. I believe they've had people look into the problems here and it dealt with underestimating costs but I might be forgetting. 


    Adler needs to announce what the roadmap is because 2018 bond spending could impact what we have in 2020 to spend on transit. Cesar and Pio both want to almost double the amount to spend on Affordable Housing which the city isn't even sure it can spend in that time period. That's a risky move considering we had a housing bond fail a few years ago at a time where almost all bonds passed. I think the city came back with a cheaper bond the following year that passed.


    I'm guessing they will combine the Cap Metro Project Connect money with the other transportation projects which I think will be safe considering this vote does not authorize any actual construction of ROW loss. I think the Facility Bond could get a lot of negative attention with the inclusion of the new DAC and if they increase funding to the Mexican American center. 


    There is also the question of it Code Next will go on the ballot and what impact pissed off voters could have on the other proposal. A group has submitted a petition for voters to vote on it but that isn't allowed in state law. Council shouldn't authorize it which will be a lot of ammo for Laura Morrison's mayoral run.


    Also, we have a new and competent challenger in District 1 to Ora Houston: Natasha Harper Madison. My god I hope she wins. 



    Well then we have no reason whatsoever to worry about future projects being way over budget, behind schedule or completed in such a way as to not fully perform their original function. All that shit is behind us.

  5. 6 hours ago, Player said:

    Is that a Chinette platter in the second pic, Mr. Rockefeller?

    It sure the fuck is. Didn't want that booty dropping on the ground. My dog was lurking, waiting to make a move.

  6. 2 hours ago, Llano Estacado said:

    I’m joining this thread the way I frequently posted in the other, from a parking lot with my truck smelling of delicious warm grease.


    Best Stop - Boudin balls and Cracklin. Supper is served. See you bitches back on the West side of the Sabine.




    I like the look of your balls, Llano.

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