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Everything posted by Chuychanga

  1. Sexy time. I see it on this board often. It’s no wonder your wives won’t fuck you. You’re talking to her like a feminine beta bitch.
  2. The news said it was an athletically built black man, in his mid 20s, 5’10” to 6’ and that the 8 year old girl was able to kick him and run away. That is some 8 year old girl...
  3. I’m embarrassed to be a member of a site where there is debate about whether Amy Schumer or Judge Judy is hot.
  4. The thread for things you’re embarrassed to admit is further down the page. Gross.
  5. I had mine in early February. L5 S1. Got there at 5am and was home by lunch. I walked 3 miles that day and almost every day after that for a month. Walking helped the recovery a ton. There was some pain and discomfort once the meds wore off. I took Hydrocodone for 3 days and them dropped it so I could drive again. The pain from the incision got better every day and was gone completely in 2-3 weeks. The last time I felt sciatic pain was just before they put me under. It never returned. My core had grown weak in the months before surgery and during the recovery. I’ve been working on that and it’s coming back now. If I worked in an office I’d have been back within a week, but with frequent stretching and walking breaks. As it is I drive an airplane and the doc didn’t want me back to work for 2 months partially because of sitting for long periods of time but more importantly because he didn’t want me lifting a suitcase into an overhead bin. In April I began light strength training, mainly core work. Supermans, planks, hip work, etc... As of May 1, I am cleared to do anything I want. Mountain biking, running, squats, whatever... I had a good experience. Glad I did it. But the core work has to be a priority almost every day now or I’ll be going through the whole thing again with a different disc.
  6. I was able to make myself hear Yanny once and then it melded back into Laurel.
  7. I have some low frequency hearing loss and I hear Laurel. My dad has high-frequency hearing loss and he hears Yanny.
  8. He looks like he’s grimacing in pain when he smiles.
  9. Mrs. Wilke’s Dining Room is a damn good family style southern meal. It’s a block or so from Forsythe Park. The bars down on the waterfront are full of girls in art school with questionable morals.
  10. Why would he say much of anything at all? Why would he say single fucking word about his investigation until he has to? He doesn’t have to at all. Oh there might be some media pressure on him, he clearly doesn’t give a shit about that. But there is no legal pressure for him to tip his hand until the investigation is finished. If people want to know what he knows and when it will be finished, too fucking bad. He simply doesn’t have to.
  11. I skipped the Texas Bowl too. I’m with you in that I think it’s a fucking cheesedick thing to do.. but at the same time the Texas bowl means literally fucking nothing. I’m several beers in right now and I can’t even remember if we won or not. Nor do I really give a shit. It’s the Texas bowl. I’d almost rather not even go to a bowl.
  12. I was a pilot for United Express and was based st Ohare in 2006. I’ve never heard of that story in my life. I’m not saying it didn’t happen because I didn’t hear of it but I would think if there is much credibility to it it would’ve gotten around a little bit more. Granted, this is not the thing I would go out searching for information on but I’ve never even heard it mentioned before. I absolutely believe there is other life out there. I don’t necessarily believe that they would be any more advanced than than we are. How come nobody ever thinks of aliens being a bunch of fucking hillbilly dumbasses or something? Why do they always have to be capable of bringing highly engineered flying equipment across the solar system or the universe to our planet? When I think of aliens I think of some wormy looking motherfuckers crawling in the dirt on a faraway planet and dumber than a box of hammers. Team Earthlings!
  13. I’ve done it twice. Once by train to Caen and rental car from there and once by rental car from CDG. If you drive, ask which highways have the cheaper tolls. There was one particular one that was way more expensive and our uber driver to CDG warned us about it. Of course Waze chose that route so it was good we knew. Also the parking lot at the cemetery closes at 6pm or so. Pay attention to that. My kids and I explored all the bunkers and the beach too long and our car was locked in. Had to ask a groundskeeper to let us out. We left in the morning, maybe 6 or 7ish. Had time to spend a couple hours in the museum in Caen and spent a couple hours roaming through the cemetery and beach. Did not do Point Du Hoc. We were back in Paris around 9pm.
  14. True. Didn’t mean to knock your efforts. The numbers some of you are posting are very impressive. Keep up the good work.
  15. Is that really the best camera DPD has for documenting evidence when women get beaten up by Johnny Manziel? Screenshots from the Zapruder film would be higher quality shots.
  16. 45 years old, visible six pack, alternate between running, mountain biking, and gym. I have no routine, I just do shit almost every day. A beer or two every night, pizza and Mexican food at least once a week, ice cream 3 times a week, coke and a candy bar once a week or so as a snack... Blood sugar and cholesterol numbers all normal. Hard work works. Fuck a bunch of fasting and not eating delicious stuff.
  17. “Pretty beat up” probably means just a few pages stuck to each other.
  18. The Devil’s fiddle solo was far more impressive than Johnny’s and by my account Johnny owes him both the golden fiddle and his soul.
  19. At my old job I sold a week of vacation back to the company for a couple grand and they failed to remove the vacation from my schedule so I used it the following month and got paid again.
  20. I was off the bike for a few months with back surgery. All cleared now I’ve been exploring the South Austin Trail Network some lately. So many little random trails behind neighborhoods are all connected to each other. You can ride from Circle C to the Barton Creek Greenbelt and hardly touch any pavement now. Violet Crown Trail is fucking up some of the single track and turning it into a wide crushed granite walking path but there’s already new singletrack showing up in the woods abeam the old singletrack. Heres a good map to what’s available in southwest Austin these days. Starting at the trailhead nearest Brodie and Slaughter and heading west behind Bowie HS and Alamo to the Slaughter Creek Preserve loop and back gets me 17 miles. Nothing real technical. Just enough to make you pay attention here and there, a few small drops to jump, and some fun creek crossings to drop into. Nothing real tough. https://www.trailforks.com/region/south-austin-trail-network/map/
  21. I say make them play on concrete and loose gravel until they win more.
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