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Everything posted by Chuychanga

  1. Snacks was at an office building for a meeting one day. The receptionist or security guard or somebody initially thought he didn't belong there. During the meeting somebody came in and told the boss there was a suspicious man wandering around the building. A black man in gray slacks. Snacks was wearing gray slacks and was the suspicious man. Something like that anyway.
  2. When a hotel places the bath towels beyond arm’s reach from the shower.
  3. And let us know when you’ve picked out it’s name.
  4. Keeping heaven packed with fresh souls.
  5. What do you call a thousand New York lawyers burned to death in a park?
  6. I’m a mountain biker turned roadie turned back mountain biker. Part of it is my own ADD and losing interest in things after immersing myself into them for a few years. But part of it is safety-driven too. I’ve had too many close calls on Austin roads. I still keep up with my roadie buddies but I ride alone on trails now or occasionally with a group on a night ride in the dark.
  7. I’m on my second Toro. I ran the first one for 12 years with absolutely zero maintenance until one day it just wouldn’t start. Never checked any oil, never cleaned out any filters, carburetors, or whatever else. Just ran that bitch every week for 12 years until one day it didn’t start. Put it on the curb, gave it away for free, bought another Toro that day. That’s exactly what I expect from my lawnmowers and that’s what my lawnmowers should expect from me. There’s no way I have time in my life to be doing maintenance on a fucking lawnmower. The one I just bought has the handle that folds down and the mower stands vertically against the wall. I love it! It saves a lot of room in my garage. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Toro-Recycler-22-in-SmartStow-High-Wheel-Variable-Speed-Walk-Behind-Gas-Self-Propelled-Mower-20339/205026227
  8. Why do BMX bike riders tilt the seat up so high?
  9. My L5-S1 was herniated and pressing on my sciatic nerve. PT alone was a temporary help. By the end of the day it would hurt again. Steroid injections were laughed at and put to shame by my stubborn sciatic. Surgery changed my world. I know everyone says to only do surgery as a last resort, but I don’t get it. It was fucking awesome for me. My sciatic pain was gone the moment I woke up. Yeah my back was a little stiff for a while but continued stretching and movement has eased that. Post surgery, I never felt any worse than I did pre-surgery. My only regret about it is not doing it sooner. I had a microsdiscectomy with NeuroTexas. Other things to add. Rest for back problems isn’t always good. It got herniated by overworking to make up for your weak core. Strengthen with core work will actually help the injured parts rest by not having to compensate for the weaknesses anymore. And walk. When you think you’ve walked enough, walk more. Core work every day.
  10. Big news of today: Clint Small Middle School is hosting a track meet against Covington, Mendez, and Ann Richards School for Girls. There’s only two meets left before the District Meet so the kids need to start dialing their shit up now. There’s no more time for fucking around in events you aren’t suited for. Check for updates again today after 6.
  11. Some of the amazon mattresses just tell you to call salvation army to pick it up if you're getting a refund. I want to know more about the memory foam mattresses at costco. Like your mom, I'm looking for something firm.
  12. I’d hate to see a redesign of the 4Runner anytime soon. It’s about the only midsize suv left that doesn’t look like it’s made solely for soccer moms and trips to HEB.
  13. The cocksuckers in my neighborhood who slow to 5 mph to go over those big rubber speed humps. Fuck off with that. I have kids that play outside too and I don't speed on residential streets but those humps are made to go over at the speed limit. Going over them slow is a fucking beating of a rollercoaster. Going over them at 25-30mph lets your suspension absorb the bump and is much smoother.
  14. I met a guy at a crawfish boil in east Texas who had one. He was drunk. He told me he bought it from a buddy and was supposed to get lessons in it from his cropduster pilot. On lesson #1 the cropduster taught him to taxi it and told him to practice taxiing in the pasture and he'd be back in a week to talk about flying. So redneck boy taxis it a little too fast on his own one day and got airborne. Power lines and swamp was ahead of him so he pulled back and started climbing. He said he nearly killed himself 5 or 10 times in the first minute or so then he got the hang of it. He had no clue how to land though and he mangled it all up but walked away when he tried to set it down. So he bought another one and kept at it, purely self-taught. Now he takes off and lands on the road he lives on, Highway 61 outside Anahuac Tx,. H just has to wait for no cars coming. About then we stumbled to the keg and he asks me if I want to go for a ride... right then. Nope. Nope. Uh uh. I'm good man, thanks. Maybe tomorrow? Nah. Not tomorrow either.
  15. Where does he find briskets that tall?
  16. That and "Red Right Hand" . I loved that song on the beginning, but don't need to here it every other scene.
  17. Just finished season 4 of Peaky Blinders last night. I had given up on it a couple times because I was tired of rewinding it to figure out what they said, but once I turned on subtitles I stuck with it. Toward the end (for now anyway) Tommy is such a shithead it reminded me of how painful it became to watch Walter White in the last couple seasons of BB. I think Peaky Blinders peaked when they were just a bunch of Small Heath thugs running bets. It's a good show and I'll watch season 5 next year, but I think I enjoyed it earlier more than later.
  18. One of my kids participated in one of the walk outs. We had previously talked about the issue extensively so I knew he had a decent understanding of it and a clear opinion about ideas for change he wanted to bring attention to, as well as the reasons the other side thinks his ideas are stupid. After talking with several of his friends after the walk out I was pleasantly surprised how well informed they were as well. I’m not saying they could sit out there and win a debate on national TV about it, but they are much more aware and educated about current events than me most of my friends were in middle school. Those of you yelling at clouds and bitching that kids just want out of class and that they know nothing about what they’re protesting are pretty much doing the same thing unless you’ve chatted with a few of these kids yourself. And even if I didn’t like it, my kid has cumulatively missed more class while taking a shit during 4th period than he missed the day of the protests. The missing school part is a complete non-issue. You’d be surprised how much time in school is spent on non-academic tasks. They didn’t miss anything that’s not easily caught up on at home that day The principal at our school was clearly proud of the kids who walked out that day as well as those who stayed. He made time in homeroom classes that week to have discussions about both sides of the issue. From what I heard, he spent part of that day walking through classrooms and thanking those who stayed behind for their dedication to the classroom and spent another part of the day outside smiling next to the students who were chanting. Kids have different opinions and he was happy to let them all exercise them that day.
  19. Continental Express used to do a scheduled flight IAH to Ellington Field and back. 8 minutes going to EFD, a few more coming back. A lot of people joked about it but it was a great deal for people who lived in South Houston. The flight was probably cheaper than the parking they were going to pay at IAH if they began the trip there instead and not having to drive across Houston.
  20. I believe it was the next parking lot north of where Dallas nightclub was. Gibson’s was set back a bit due to its parking lot and the store faced Burnet while Dallas was sideways and faced north (the old one anyway... I think). Today the spot I’m thinking it was in is a Tuesday Morning and several other shops in a newer building. They sit behind Tumble22 Hot Chicken today. If Gibson’s wasn’t where that Tuesday Morning is then it may have been the next block up, but it was definitely no further south than that. I grew up around there. We used to shop at the Safeway that’s now a car dealership just south of all that at Justin Ln.
  21. At one time a few years ago I was a frequent contributor to this thread on the other board. I’ve been dealing with sciatic pain for 6months or so, had surgery to cut away the offending herniated disc, caught a staph infection and had to be opened up again, and finally on the mend from all that. But even before that I’d been spending more time in the gym and less time running. Years of neglecting my core, and strength training in general, caught up to me. My son still runs and is beginning a promising school running career so I’m still around the sport some and love talking running with him but I couldn’t tell you the last time my strava showed anything other than a walk or an easy bike ride and I don’t know when it ever will again. Carry on y’all.
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