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The Dude

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by The Dude

  1. Fuck me. This is how we get reality tv on HBO.
  2. Then Lowry lights him up for it? Try hitting it in the fairway you clown
  3. Before or after taxes? I have to check with my accountant, that this might bump me into a higher tax bracket
  4. We could have saw 2 houses murder each other last ep but instead got the never ending story dragon ride and more talking about war
  5. McJesus completing the reverse sweep is the last miracle he needs for sainthood
  6. This is really good so far
  7. The Dude

    The Boys S4

    She really fucked her shit up
  8. Fuck off back to the CW douche. Glad Xander finally got a major
  9. Jesus fuck Jim shut the fuck up and show golf
  10. Great show. Enjoyed every minute
  11. I've seen enough. Wingo to HoF
  12. These aren’t the fireworks I was hoping for
  13. I prefer feature group coverage where it’s just 1 group and you see every shot on every home. Made me feel like I was walking the course with them. I want to watch players walking from shot to shot and eating their protein bars
  14. Fucking hell. What an episode
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