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Dirk X West

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Everything posted by Dirk X West

  1. Hopefully he's as good as advertised. Although I think Kliff Kingsbury's reputation as a QB talent scout and coach is deserved, the QB position has been a major problem for Tech ever since Mahomes left for the NFL.
  2. *Signed with Tech, I should have said.
  3. Morton committed to Tech.
  4. I don't think Tech wants to have anything to do with Art. I could be wrong, but I just don't see it. The bad PR will be there even if he's just the OC, so if they were thinking at all of him being our head coach, it seems to me they'd have just done it now.
  5. I'm kind of surprised anybody at all got fired, even with all the rumors. This indicates that Wells's seat is much hotter than I would have thought, at the end of just year 2. It'll be interesting to see if Wells is pressured to hired a Leach disciple to be OC. That might be the only way to placate the mouth breathers.
  6. That team is def.
  7. Only because of a health issue.
  8. Just did. I assume that'll be a banning.
  9. Agreed, for the most part. The rumors about Wells are really being amplified by a certain discontented section of our fanbase, who seem to have forgotten that Kliff Kingsbury A. only managed two winning seasons in his 6 years at Tech - the best being year one, with Senator Dumbass's players; B. couldn't manage to win anything with the best QB in football (because he let the defense descend to an historically bad level); and C. had fallen into a pattern of getting his teams up only to play UT and OU and then and, as you mentioned, standing by while they quit like bitches for the rest of the season once they lost those 2 matchups.
  10. The same big money guys who want Briles badly wanted Holgerson after Tech fired Kliff. That also didn't happen. Tech idiotically shit canning Mike Leach showed a lack of ambition in a certain way, as they didn't want to pay him even more money and let him get bigger than the AD and rest of the athletic dept, but because of that I don't see the leadership of the university consenting to hiring a sleazy coach that might win enough that they have a hard time keeping him on a leash.
  11. *Gruff Sparty
  12. The color guy on this game is my new least favorite sports announcer.
  13. A win is better than a loss.
  14. I'd say Tech also went a bit backwards in terms of overall talent level this year compared to last, but yeah, not nearly as dramatically as Kansas. They actually had a few decent players last year.
  15. Both had really big rebuilding projects in front of them when they took over last year. Whether either of them get it done remains to be seen, of course.
  16. Ain't happenin.
  17. Apparently Matt Wells got the COVID and may have to miss the Kansas-Tech game on Saturday. Hopefully he'll be able to dial up his fake punts and onside kicks remotely.
  18. "Thankth tho much, Mithter Prethident"
  19. The official word is "personal reasons". It's just weird that the guy would sit out for so long and then leave just after he finally started getting to play.
  20. OkSU has no one identifiable, "synonymous with the program" look, so it's hard for another team to look like them. And I say that as a fellow non-"helmet school" fan.
  21. Aborted fetus is not real tasty, but it is very nutritious, sorta like brussel sprouts.
  22. We only had three houses with trump signs and/or banners anywhere that I noticed here in my neighborhood on the Austin side of the Austin-Pflugerville frontier, and two took their trump stuff down before the election. The third - notably a Latino - has kept his trump banner up and seems to be digging in for a long winter of humiliation and disappointment.
  23. Hopefully they don't run the club into the ground like Mike Piazza and his wife did to the lower division team they bought in Italy.
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