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Dirk X West

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Everything posted by Dirk X West

  1. Much nicer looking than our normal unis (i.e. the ones with the checkmark things on the jerseys), imo. I really think the above should be our standard road uni, and our '80s/early '90s style black helmet/black jersey/silver pants throwbacks should be our standard home uni.
  2. When they added those I shoulder stripes, I thought they were deliberately playing up and embracing their Mississippi State-like qualities, i.e. being a second tier ag school that wears maroon and never threatens to win anything meaningful.
  3. GR isn't going to read a word of this. He might make it as far as "The IPBES..."
  4. For a group of people whose favorite epithet for their perceived enemies is "sheep", it's remarkable how they all say exactly the same things and post exactly the same memes and Breitbart articles in the same contexts. They "think for themselves" but *coincidentally* have the exact same thoughts - expressed in the exact same words - as millions of other Trumpers.
  5. The bottom tier seems to be getting bigger.
  6. Can you blame him? He could be costing Jimbo his shot at an extension.
  7. Yeah, TCU Patterson has a history of playing good defense, but good grief, do these people not even do research? They haven't a had a great defense in 4-5 years now.
  8. They don't have to be - like primary blue and navy blue look good together - but they do have to match in some way.
  9. The helmet and jersey aren't even the same shade of purple. Did no one notice that until the game started? That's not to mention the stupid pointy necklace thing.
  10. I just turned this one on, but I think I'm going to stick with it.
  11. I agree, in spite of what cousin fucker aggy says.
  12. Love it. You're obviously a good parent.
  13. Its power rankings; they're inherently stupid and meaningless. The only thing that matters - unless you're a playoff contender - is the league standings.
  14. Because Tech lost to Arizona, while Kansas lost to Coastal Carolina.
  15. This shows their data: https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/climate-change-global-sea-level
  16. I gave a direct quote from their website, slick.
  17. NOAA seems to disagree: "Global sea level has been rising over the past century, and the rate has increased in recent decades. In 2014, global sea level was 2.6 inches above the 1993 average—the highest annual average in the satellite record (1993-present). Sea level continues to rise at a rate of about one-eighth of an inch per year." https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/sealevel.html
  18. Have you ever heard of Texas A&M?
  19. The only stable belief held by an average joe denier is "I don't want to change," maybe mixed to some degree with "the people who talk about climate change are my enemies politically so what they say has to be wrong". That's it. If you read an average climate denier's arguments, they freely shift between "it's not happening", but "if it is happening, it's natural", but "if we are influencing it, we can't stop it", "but if we can stop it, it doesn't matter because China", and anyway "more CO2 is actually good". To some extent, this reflects a change in approach over time (and as informed by conservative think tanks who have to continually think up new talking points for the drones), as it becomes more and more obvious that the Earth is gradually warming as more CO2 and other greenhouse gases are emitted, just as scientists have been saying would happen for more than a century now. It's pretty amusing then to hear deniers to try to put forth the notion that climate scientists and those that support them are constantly changing their argument, which they frequently do (for ex., "in the '70s they were trying to scare us with talk of a new ice age!").
  20. Shutting out people who hold purely subjective opinions that differ from your own is an echo chamber. That's not what's happening here.
  21. I was personally ridiculed by a number of posters on the old shaggy site for saying that PM would prove to be a much better QB than Mayfield in the long run, and I'm not gonna lie - it hurt. It hurt real bad. And not one of them has written to apologize to me.
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