If I could pinpoint one thing in my life that makes me the most upset, this is almost it. Which to be fair means I have a pretty good life.
The only reason this isn't 1 is because my wife asks me these every day, multiple times a day. She comes to me because I know things, or know how to find them and she doesn't. However, if I just give a random piece of info that I happen to know, I'm being a know it all. So which is it, do you think I know enough to have answers to your questions only, but not to stuff I actually do know?? The amount of times she asks me for something and I give her the answer, that she then asks me "how can you possibly know that" is incredible.
And if she meant it rudely or mean it would be a problem. But she really is just asking me to explain my info. Which just annoys me, because then that gets questioned too. So either I know shit or I don't. But don't bombard me to cite my sources lol