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Everything posted by uoftorange

  1. uoftorange


    Mine is also tomorrow at 8AM. This Clenpiq stuff is not super pleasant, but way better than the time I had to drink a gallon of that old putrid stuff
  2. Factually correct, I was more going for "extra rest" and said it poorly. I just see no reason to skip Javier when he's been lights out
  3. In CA, and where else? There is no where else that it makes sense not to have it
  4. Absolutely zero reason for him to go in Game 4, get the full rest and go game 5
  5. Why? Keep it open all year except for rain if that's what you want. It's idiotic that they build them without retractable roofs at this point No one is trying to see "scenic Philly" from their seat
  6. No. CB is the worst umpire in the league. Though with Eddings we're splitting hairs. CB adds being a piece of shit to players to his ineptitude and that takes it for me
  7. Yes, but eventually he'll have to stop using HGH and recovery won't be as easy 😉 He's had lots of injuries. He's also been spectacular for 2 total seasons and "good" the others.
  8. Watched that earlier and my first thought was "this is how things go too long". If she had said "sir, there are two beds, one is a pullout. Put 2 people on one bed and 2 people on the other. It might have ended sooner. The guy is a douche, so maybe not, but seems like you'd give it a shot
  9. I did misread that you said "for most of this year" which is fair. But the league standard is 4 days, then a start. We pitched a 6 man rotation a lot of the year, or had days off that worked well. But I get what you were saying now.
  10. They pitch on the 5th day, not the 6th. So no matter if you go JV 1 or Framber 1, they will be on full rest for games 5/6
  11. It was 100% the right base running play. It took an absolute perfect throw and running tag to get him
  12. Every damn one of these was almost worse than the other. Until this one. This one killed me
  13. Jesus. How about don't be shitty as a police person. How about we worry about that instead of someone trying to show police are humans
  14. Absolutely a shaggy 3.5, which is a real world 8.5/9
  15. Wrong forum for random outing of a person I've known 30 years... but duly noted, and you would be impressed
  16. In my dreams maybe, it's hilarious watching all the thirsty ass guys on her FB and Instagram page though
  17. That's my friend from HS. She's hot as fuck and a very sweet girl
  18. Definitely aren't skipping 3rd leg day
  19. Hits close to home. Was picking up the youngest from dodgeball after school and one of the moms was running around trying to get to her son because he "forgot" to ride the bus home and went to dodgeball instead. She was trying every door at the school to get in to get the kid early. Yeah, that wasn't happening. She's a very nice person and a friend, but it was cracking me up. I was like, you're going to get from Pearland to Katy in an hour at 5PM??
  20. Here are a few https://www.utefans.net/message.php?id=1113617
  21. Rarely do I click on an Instagram link and am awed, call it internet desensitization or whatever, but holy shit that girl is spectacular
  22. Guessing it was "without equipment" meaning no fins or weight belt or goggles. But sheer speculation
  23. He's already making the pass in the second one
  24. The team is exhausted. Defending the lead has been great since Chelsea has been putting Spurs under constant pressure the entire second half and last 10 of the first
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