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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UnivTex34

  1. They weren't. Those forecasts are for a large area, and must be averaged. If I had to guess, you are in a lower area which gets significantly colder. Local mets hammer on that point anytime Austin gets close to freezing. See tweet below from that morning: Also notice how the station they are using for Austin is measuring 37. And just for one last data point, here is the weather station in my back yard for that morning. 33.1
  2. I had more issues with my 2nd gen Taco than I have had with my 16 F150 that has more miles I loved that truck, but the bulletproofness is oversold by Toyota geeks.(and the Toyota tax is 10 times worse than the Apple tax in tech). I've never had an issue with a Ford product.
  3. F150 base fleet, like you have posted, and like BabaYaga posted are impossible to find/buy for non-fleet buyers is $33k. So yeah pretty damn close.
  4. Moist
  5. Heh, mine is 90% commuting, but weekends spent camping in places where you do not want a flat (and everything wants to make them flat). So I hear you. I really should have a second set of tires just for the other 10%, but I like the way the KO2's look\, and am lazy.
  6. yup, his use case is a Taco.
  7. Buddy of mine that lives outside Seattle in a rural area just switched to the Rugged Treks. Raves about them. He was a big Falken Wildpeak guy before, and claimed they were superior. Of course his use case is a bit different than mine.
  8. Yeah, I had issues with damp pavement after 25k on my last truck. Wet was fine, and dry was fane, but damp was like being on ice. I'm in a different vehicle now, coming up on 25k miles on this set, and so far the issues have been much less. I'm in a much bigger vehicle, and a different tire load, but so far not as big an issue this go around. Interesting on your Cooper opinion. The only complaint I had was the sidewall was not as strong as the BFG's, otherwise, they were superior in every way. My next set of tires will be Coopers.
  9. BFG is owned by Michelin Michelin does not make a real AT tire OP, I've been really happy with several different sets of Coopers. I have the KO2's right now, don't hate them/don't love them (although they look fantastic). Will be going back to Coopers once these wear out.
  10. I haven't seen the Gen 2 yet, but the Gen 1 full-size sounds significantly better than the mini.
  11. Yeah, my daily is a middle config 14" M1P with 32GB ram. The fans have turned on once in over a year. Its the best laptop I've ever owned, and I buy laptops like most folks buy lunch.
  12. What you have now is a 10 speed bicycle. The M1 even with the base 8GB RAM is a Brand new family Car.
  13. The new Apple silicon machines are fantastic, and a massive leap forward from what you have right now. I prefer the newer design that came out with the M2 Airs, but not sure they have those in the refurb store yet.
  14. All of my "along the coast" pics above were in that stretch. So yes, do it. Samuel Bradman State park was basically like 60 miles of pull offs along the highway.
  15. We did your route backwards, see my post above. Is your plan to drive back to Portland up the coast or take the interstate? I highly recommend up the coast, and you may want more than a day to do it. The views were just out of this world. Otherwise, a good itinerary.
  16. I've been trying to get that vid for you for 2 days, and that time was the only time I was able to recreate it. For me, it is very intermittent, but still happening.
  17. Here you go @immamac, as promised. Went two days without it happening, but started again this morning. I am trying to click the entire time, notice I'm unable to click until the curser changes at the end. Safari on MacOS. And again, this is very much intermittent issue, not happening constantly, but it does happen enough to make it a pain. I was just able to reproduce on Chrome on the same machine as well.
  18. Screen Recording 2023-01-13 at 9.12.38 AM.mov
  19. You mean like misspelling Chipotle?
  20. Foo Fighters -Taylor Hawkins i has a sad.
  21. I’m also occasionally experiencing this. For me today, it was when clicking on the dot/star at the beginning of a thread to jump to first unread post. I assumed it had something to do with the indexing, but now reading above about what others are experiencing, I can see the same thing is happening to me. Clicking on the thread title works, but obviously takes me to the last page, and not the last unread post (which is how I exclusively brows the site). It doesn’t happen all the time, which is strange. This is on Safari on MacOS and Safari on iPadOS. Edit to add: Imma if it is helpful I will try and grab a screen recording of it tomorrow when I’m on my computer if it happens again.
  22. Same
  23. https://twitter.com/ColeyHarvey/status/1611029329776885767?s=20&t=fqvmsSQ0nNTrrI_JL5_rig
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