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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UnivTex34

  1. Not a Sock, see a lying disingenuous troll posting, I neg it. You just make it so easy.
  2. Line is completely around the FAC on campus (UGL for you old fucks). Probably a two hour wait.
  3. You didn't pay much attention in Geography did you?
  4. Latest Discussion outlook brings Austin into the enhanced area.
  5. Hey @immamac, activity streams were working most of yesterday, but they are down again this morning, just in case you were unaware. I see the index is still running message, but that message was up all yesterday afternoon as well and they were working fine.
  6. Activity streams not working.
  7. I've been to a random concert out there during the week, and couldn't get service. I think the issue is that the network out there is built for a rural area, and anytime an event is held, no matter the size of attendance, it overwhelms it. So yes, for the large events, they bring in the portable solutions, but that is not likely something that happens for EVERY event. Your comparison to downtown doesn't really hold any water, because it is an extremely high density area by design. And has the infrastructure to function as such on a daily basis. Also, downtown has been downtown for a hundred years. Elroy was Elroy until 10 years ago. Telling folks to move from an area their families have lived for likely much longer than the idea of the track seems pretty selfish. The track should be responsible to for improving the infrastructure to handle the problem they created. Otherwise, it should have been put in an area that would not disrupt anyone. It all comes back to the fact that ownership of the track does absolutely the bare fucking minimum, for EVERYTHING. Which is really a shame. I had so much hope those first few years for truly a fantastic experience. At this point, I'll be surprised if races are still being held there in 10 years time.
  8. Hobby Lobby
  9. Yeah, not anymore, but I bought and sold a TON in the EDC world about 5-7 years ago. Never kept a balance for more than 24 hours (or the timeframe for a deposit to go through). And a few times had several thousand dollars, and sweated that shit. Don’t carry a balance.
  10. iPhone can cast to an AppleTV without a network. Not the cheapest option, but very low effort.
  11. SS beat me to it.
  12. I work at UT, and park in San Antonio garage, which means when I get to campus at 7 am every morning I pass the global office, and I see the line 25 people deep. It’s not every morning, so I assume they only take folks some days, but the line is always deep at 7 am. People in chairs. Good luck.
  13. Well, after years of debunking the infamous shark on a flooded freeway pic, it finally happened:
  14. Dropsonde in the NW Eyewall just measured 137 knots at ground level. Just nuts it hasn't weakened yet.
  15. yes, I posted this a couple pages back:
  16. Man, Reed Timmer has himself in a bad spot.
  17. Word for word. Lol
  18. Hey WacoWx!
  19. Holy shit, the Hurricane Hunters had to circle in the eye for nearly 40 minutes on their last mission. They couldn't find a way out. Lost 700 feet of altitude at once.
  20. UnivTex34

    Facing Nolan

    Yup, that was fantastic. I may be biased though, named my first kiddo Nolan.
  21. Yup, most of my info coming from there at this point. Still lots model disagreement.
  22. Yeah, this thing tracking way more east than models expected yesterday. Still not a lot of agreement, but the UKMET looks terrible for you guys in Naples. HWRF still has a Tampa landing, but that is after Ian drags his balls all down the coast first.
  23. activities streams down?
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