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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UnivTex34

  1. was referring to the LOB, sorry.
  2. killing us. I doubt we see him again. so time to fuck up the pen. Need another good one Pete!
  3. Damn Silas.
  4. Good 1-2-3 Pete!
  5. Not Good Bob….
  6. Had not noticed it, but have it too
  7. Well there is your makeup. Guess its a strike this inning
  8. Giving the kiddo a bath, what happened?
  9. Looks very flat.
  10. Making this pitch look good the last two bats. Fastball looks very hittable though…
  11. This KXAN footage is nuts
  12. Wedge on the ground near HUtto/Taylor
  13. Austin should be done
  14. Seguin may have just gotten proper fucked, holy shit that radar scan.
  15. I'm at Slughter and Manchaca and am battening down the hatches.... hoping it skirts southeast of me
  16. Ferrari power and Mazepin not behind the wheel.
  17. You experts on the newer rules. What is stopping Merc from running the factory 24/7 for the next two weeks running 4 billion sims through the supercomputers to solve their issues? They mentioned a few years ago after 2 bad weekends that was the solution, the factory buckled down and engineered a solution through brute force that pretty much any other constructor could not do/afford. Would this be against the new spending cap, or do the rules still favor the big pocket constructors that are willing to throw money at a problem hand over fist?
  18. Hit browse on the ESPN app, look for the list of channels, click LHN. It will claim that the game with Sam is on, but clicking on it will show the game. at least on the AppleTV ESPN app.
  19. Search by channel for LHN. Mine says it’s a re-air of the Sam game, it it will play the live game.
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