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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UnivTex34

  1. Nooooooooooooo..... https://www.austin360.com/entertainment/20200714/exclusive-dart-bowl-closing-permanently-after-62-years
  2. Hint for those not wanting to shuck, Whole Foods will shuck them for you free of charge. Did that for several years before I got my own knife.
  3. One trick pony with a drone is back. My wife is now a day past her due date, so not sure I’m gonna be able to get those sweet Saharan dust sunset pics, so you get this instead....
  4. Fuck, now I want Ceviche.....
  5. Ozona/Fort Stockton/Van Horn are your options. Great drive.
  6. There is a really fucking good take out ceviche place that we ate 5 lunches at last summer. Maybe if it’s takeout, you can add it on. edit to add, it’s called Ceviche Ceviche
  7. What river is the final one?
  8. SimpliSafe. she can take it with her when she moves out.
  9. That last one swayze...
  10. I feel we are missing some crazy backstory here.
  11. First drone shot Hamilton Pool? Guessing the 2 others are the Perd?
  12. OK, found the workout in my app. Was 2/22, a Saturday, and looks like I started the hike at 7:45.
  13. I went sometime in early March, I got there early and there was no one there. After my hike, there was someone that looked like she was taking fees, but I just walked right past her.
  14. Where are you located? If in Austin, start hiking River Place nature trail. Tons of elevation change, and got me in great shape to summit Guad peak two June’s ago. If I remember correctly, two trips is the equivalent of summiting Guad peak in elevation (I only ever did it once in a day).
  15. If we are posting sunsets, 78748 checking in...
  16. The one trick pony with a drone is back.....
  17. I reconfigured the garage back to its normal useful self, so my truck no longer fits. Had barely gotten both cars in the last 4 days due to the hail chances. Think I may go give the truck a wash too. #Fucktheforcefield
  18. I’m headed to Columbus at 3 to meet someone to pick up a bunch of baby stuff. So expect large hail along 71 around 4:30.
  19. Cross post from the pictures thread. Pano before the storm from South Austin a bit ago.
  20. Pano before the storm in South Austin. Loving this new drone. Was pleasantly surprised downtown came out so well.
  21. UnivTex34


    Yeah, it sounds like it is about a half mile paddle each way, based on a few articles I’ve read.
  22. UnivTex34


    No, not that I know of. You can do Devils SNA for day use, but it is a mile hike to the river, that you have to haul all your gear each way, then it is a paddle down and upriver.
  23. There are usually some on twitch.
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