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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UnivTex34

  1. Sam Houston National Forest
  2. Out on the green belt earlier...
  3. About that Cover that Victoria won last night... https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/juliareinstein/the-bachelor-cosmopolitan-cover-victoria-fuller-pulled?utm_source=dynamic&utm_campaign=bffbbuzzfeed&ref=bffbbuzzfeed&fbclid=IwAR1umvaWneQwzbS6gDoyFT8Udio_GcG_bgqHgHaSA4WiY5Wp8Q2VFt9yrgc
  4. Recently added a drone to fool around with, so got out this morning to try some sunrise shots:
  5. I’d also take any other recs for things to do not involving skiing. Taking the pregnant wife for a long weekend end of Feb. Food recs also great. sorry for the hijack...
  6. Bill O'Brien thinks the timing couldn't be better.
  7. Only Astros fans believe that. *City
  8. *City
  9. Just sent my V1 in for an update. Echo all of the above. Still swear my V1 is better than my buddies Escort tho...
  10. He checked in around Thanksgiving. If memory serves he said he’d be back around March.
  11. Lulz, what is this glorious thing called?
  12. It's 2020 now... https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/index.php?/topic/13168-2020-rain-thread/
  13. Headed to Vegas Friday at noon, so expect Austin to get a healthy dose, because it always happens.
  14. A man that is very familiar with South Austin('s mom)
  15. I'm in South Austin('s mom) looking north towards downtown.
  16. Recently got myself a drone. Got some flight time in today, and you can see the pollen haze in this pic.
  17. Definitely been fucked since last night. I assumed it was a symptom of the game slowdown from last night, but still happening.
  18. We spent a week at Hotel Punta Islita in Costa Rica, and loved it. It’s an Autograph Collection property.
  19. -26 this morning. Cold as fuck.
  20. We didn’t. It was 10 at the warmest while we were in the park. The sand was pretty frozen, which made it nice for hiking, when the snow wasn’t to deep. I made it to high dune, my brothers did not, so we were ready to get out of the cold.
  21. We ended up at Sand Dunes, but we didn’t camp. Was -24 last night. Just spent most of the day in the snow covered dune field. 10 degrees.
  22. D1/D2 swap who goes first every year. This is across all divisions.
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