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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UnivTex34

  1. Sunday morning overthinking: Dak at NE Rodgers at SF
  2. Wife has worked a decade in grocery buying, its used a ton by her industry. But I’ll drink to it....
  3. My wife works for a large grocer based in Texas, developing own brand products. Several years ago she led the project for re-doing the grocer’s own brand of OO. She is no longer developing those types of products, but she still outwardly curses every time we walk by the OO at Costco, and sees the price. Price for quality there is pretty much nothing else in its category. We go through 4 jugs a year.
  4. My options are Rodgers or Dak at NE, so I’m going Rodgers.
  5. Won by 7. Color me surprised.
  6. Yup
  7. not my preferred platform.
  8. apparently that is a setting. I'm in a 16 person work league, and its a free for all. Can drop at any time, also there are no waivers, so anyone can pick up someone at any time. Great if you are paying attention to games. However, my ESPN league was on Yahoo one year, and this setting was disabled, so I'm guessing it is something you can turn off/on.
  9. I’m Up 7, he has Gordon and Watkins, I have Bears D and Zeurlein. I’m so fucked....
  10. Yeah, this may be a last minute decision, based on the warmest spot. Also, just realized in my original post autocorrect got me Tons = Taos.
  11. I mean, he's basically been retired the last 3 seasons.
  12. We have done Big Bend multiple times at that point of the year. I'm in Austin, brother lives in Houston. Having the jumping off point in Lubbock was supposed to get us further west/north.
  13. They also are about the only west Texas school to have an indoor Olympic pool. They were in our district when I was in HS at Frenship, and they were a whipping boy, but those were Bobby Davis days, so everyone west of 35 was our whipping boy.
  14. So lets say you had 4-5 days after Xmas, with no plans, and a departure point of Lubbock. Where might you spend a few days camping/hiking? 8 hours drive time is pretty easy, so say within that range. Sand Dunes NP? Gila NF? Tons/RR area? take the easy way out and Lincoln NF? My brother and I are tossing around ideas, and would love to hear y'alls thoughts.
  15. rough. This is why fantasy is awesome/horrible.
  16. I'm in a similar position as you. Kyler vs 49ers, or I stashed Foles a few weeks back. He has Indy, in his first game back. Leaning Foles. I'd lean Allen if I was in your position.
  17. Fucking niners! After that Kupp no show, I needed 19 points from the niners D to squeak by in 1 of my leagues. Woke up to one hell of a surprise. Now here is to no score corrections.
  18. I'm pretty sure @Anton Chigurh got some pics of it out west. At least I think it was him that posted about it on Insta.
  19. You are a least the 5th person to talk to me about this story, because folks know how often I go, thinking the same thing. If I were the parks service, I'd be emailing every publication to make sure and make the distinction, as I imagine this will be bad for visitors numbers.
  20. Technically, was not on PINS. Was South of Bob Hall Pier, right at the County line, in an area that gets very little Police presence. I'll be camping at PINS in a few weeks, have no second thoughts.
  21. No flights scheduled for me, but they completely drown out the sound of my truck, traffic, and my radio while driving. Did it just as a test and was blown away. I think you will still get some hum on the plane tho.
  22. I ordered mine this morning. Sounds like there is good supply at the stores.
  23. Mine are ready for pickup at Barton Creek. Gonna head over at 10. Early reviews are pretty good.
  24. Bailed out an attempt #2
  25. Jones questionable to return Fml
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