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Certifiably Surly
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  1. My dad is a recovering addict and drunk. My dad was a stand out high school football player who played for Texas as a freshman and went on the obtain a degree from UT and MD from Southwestern. My mom left him when I was very young because he wasn’t a great role model. I have zero memories of living in a house with them together. I honestly have very few memories of my dad when I was young. My dad taught me love for UT football/baseball/basketball. He took me to as many games as he could starting around age 6. It was great. He moved from his town to my town to be closer to me (or run away from hospital administration that was on to him and his addictions). He was around until I was age 13 - and poof - he was gone again. I saw him very sporadically until age 20 when we coincidentally lived in the same town. Prior to living in the same town - every time I saw him he was drunk or looking for drugs. Quite an impression that left. After living in the same town - the memories are similar. When I had my son 18 years ago dad and I were on speaking terms. He was around and part of my life. I told him he had 1 chance. I don’t have a choice to have him around as a kid - but I had a choice to have him around my kids. For the first time in his life - sobriety really mattered. He got his 17 year chip last month. He earned it. My dad is the kindest human I know. He has nothing. Literally. But would give you half if you need it. He finds a way to help provide medical care to the indigent in the interior of Mexico several times a year. He works food banks. He donates his time. He is present. He is patient. He is a great listener with good advice. The kind that can likely only come from fucking up for 30 years in your prime. He is hokey. Too hokey for his own good. Makes my wife and kids embarrassed around non-family, which is painful because he craves our love and attention. there isn’t a person that I run into that knew my dad before he went off the rails that doesn’t think he is the best doctor and person they ever met. It’s hard to reconcile those stories with the man I knew for a significant part of my childhood. The takeaway - he taught me how to be a fucking great dad. How to be caring and compassionate with those you love and those you don’t know. He also taught me how to fuck up the dad/kid relationship- which has created the drive for me to be the best, most present, helpful, loving, sober (not to be read as never drinking) dad I can be. I love him dearly. I despise many of his decisions. I will miss him when he’s gone. PS - my mom is a freaking saint that deserves a statue.
  2. Well freaking done young man! Best of luck to you
  3. Here? https://aggypedia.com/aggypedia/aggy-athletics/aggy-athletics/#NCAA_Violations
  4. https://news4sanantonio.com/news/local/northside-isd-officer-indicted-for-shooting-woman-outside-stadium-local-news-near-me-crime-law-public-safety-police-brutalityCop Indicted Interesting that the police version on the day of the incident was "she was aggressive" and "tried to run us over" - but a prosecutor and grand jury thought differently. Would be great if they would release the video. Scottie Scheffler ?
  5. I’ve typed and deleted and retyped 4-5 responses. https://www.expressnews.com/news/article/excessive-force-closings-19405000.php a friend of mine is tried this case. Damages portion was last week. No matter how egregious the behavior - there is very little chance for a verdict/award/settlement that will truly compensate the wronged party or deter the morons. brisket’s desire to have them pay damages out of pensions is fantastic. But a pipe dream. I’d settle for requiring these licensed professionals to have a professional liability type insurance policy with huge limits. If you are clean and no complaints - premiums are reasonable. If you aren’t premiums will be so high you are priced out of the profession. In either event - there is a chance at appropriate compensation for people “made an example of.”
  6. why does the article not tell us what the new charges are? WTF kind of reporting is this?
  7. I graduated in 2006 and still pay for the fucking things. If I had known better I'd have done a few things differently on the loan origination front and on the payback front. But being a young married guy with new baby - i was taking all the money they would give to make sure I the wife kiddo had some comfort. One day soon I'd like to slow down a bit. 50-60 hours a week isn't fun when 20-30 of it isn't billable/collectible (running the firm). Need to get more cases where an associate can help, meaningfully. Insurance defense cases are ripe for associate help. Huge construction defect cases on the Plaintiff side - not so much.
  8. Needed more water in the stadium. Twice waiting in line for 20-30 minutes only to learn it was Ultra or Ultra my 14 yo daughter doesn’t drink ultra. hilariously- when the scoreboard said no more alcohol sales after 3rd - she laughed and said “no beer? What will they sell? Empty cups?”
  9. Cotton candy bacon - meh Bourbon bacon - good burnt end Mac n cheese- really good fried frito pie - meh fried strawberry with chocolate and powder sugar - really good not enough water in the stadium - really really really shitty
  10. Blue line flag on the back of his GMC to be accurate.
  11. great info - you are right, according to the fancy DART website (orange to green)
  12. would every kid need the app, or can a dad have separate day passes and handle it for them?
  13. Great - thank you. I will download the app now. Any other suggestions? I've always just parked down by the fair, but with kids in tow, I thought the tram might make more sense.
  14. Traveling up with the kids on Friday. Plan to try and Dart tram to the fair. The tram picks up near 635 and 75 according to my analysis. Is there a reason to NOT do this? If this is a decent idea, can someone tell me any nuances about riding the tram (ticketing/passes/frequency/schedule) that a south Texas might want to know in advance?
  15. If anyone wants to email the good sheriff of Hall County - tom.heck@co.hall.tx.us. I did reach out by phone, but they did not answer. (806) 259-2151
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