I have been at my current firm for a little more than 2 years and in that time our docket has grown by nearly 30%. We are an all apple environment with each of 7 workstations being an iMac or MBP. We utilize Microsoft Office Suite - desktop versions, though we have a O365 subscription.
Our data is saved on external hard drives connected to brand new mac mini via thunderbolt which acts as our server. Our IT guys (third party consultant types) upgraded our server when we moved offices several months ago and we REALLY REALLY struggled with the new server maintaining uptime/connectivity. After hundred+ hours of research, it appears that it is a limitation of the newest version of the server app for the macmini.
Our data is not really accessible remotely, though I can VPN with my MBP. I am limited by copper data lines for our building and, if everyone is on and working, VPN is not super reliable and is quite slow when we have large files to move from the server to my MBP when offsite.
We are FINALLY going to an office/practice management solution - Clio. I am stoked about its functionality.
It has integration with onedrive, outlook, etc. I am loathe to suggest we change what people know as they are already going to hate me for making them (or at least the dinosaurs of our office) change what they do and how they do it.
What I would like to know, but have been unable to get much of a straight answer from our IT guys about, pertains to onedrive and "sync".
If I successfully migrate all of our data to the cloud/onedrive - can I have it "sync" to the server storage (attached hard drives) and have the data available on a local network that mirrors the cloud?
Making changes via the cloud - O365 web applications - will be reflected in the attached local drive?
Making changes via desktop applications and documents saved on the local network in the onedrive "sync" folder will be reflected in the cloud?
As a whole, our case files are approximately 5 TB of data. We can't sync those to our individual machines. So, thats why I am wondering about the ability to have them "sync" to the server where they already reside with plenty of space.