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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by PatrickMcHorn

  1. I'd imagine too that they could throw their 3rd tier rights in (I think they're all currently individually sold out to either fox or ESPN). Theoretically it's a zero sum game, but that might help the perception of the casual observer.
  2. Napa and registration talk not going away.
  3. I like how it took him "all day" to get there.
  4. This. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  5. He's saying even aggy isn't stupid enough to be the lone desenter. They'll either ultimately vote with everyone else, or abstain in the most petulant manner possible. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  6. That fourth bullet point - in the context of ctj's NLI podcast contributions - makes me think that there's been talk within the conference of limiting or scaling NIL to be "fairer," to the other schools, and that UT and OU felt like there was at least a possibility the conference might keep them from doing what they wanted at the level they wanted in the interest of "fairness." That would explain Texas' flat footed rollout. I'm not the biggest CDC fan, but if there's anything the man can do it's organize money in the direction it's needed, even if he's not directly benefited by it. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  7. It's fractions of what it was 20 years ago, but it's still $350 million (and decresing) annually, plus the AUF, plus the PUF. It shouldn't be dismissed as a non-factor because it's smaller than it once was. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  8. The general idea is that baylor, tech, and tcu get all their grad-reps together and threaten to fuck with UT's funding if they leave their schools high and dry. For the record, I think it happens unless they feel really good about their landing spots, it's whether UT calls the bluff or not that's the bigger question. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  9. PatrickMcHorn


    Just wanted to cosign in case you're looking for a second opinion. I've had two on top of a rav 4 with no issues up and down 35 and 71 more times than I could count with no issues. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  10. Yeah, absolutely. They're all delicious other than hard heads (they look like catfish - throw them back). Just know what you're catching and what the size limit is. Yeah, just wade in until he can cast at the birds, then real it back in slow, or use a popping cork with bait: https://www.cabelas.com/shop/en/betts-billy-boy-popping-floats?ds_e=GOOGLE&ds_c=Shop%7CCAB%7CTopPerformers%7CFishing&gclid=Cj0KCQjws-OEBhCkARIsAPhOkIbFP0XC-bBXhlTg-lBU3JCMyLnRZXudz9514-6rGsyu8cC2TsCgoY8aAgEsEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  11. It's easy to surf fish without much more than what he'd have for bass. 10 lb test with a spoon on a medium spinning reel will take you pretty far. Not sure how old your son is, but the trick with surf fishing - in my experience - is to drive around until you see birds, then wade in. You can catch all kinds of shit without necessarily targeting any one species. Reds, trout, smacks, whitefish. Hardheads if you're unlucky, but I'll fight 6 pound hardheads all day long. Better than not fishing. Shore fishing would typically require a big ass rod and staying put (may be better for camping). You have to chunk it a ways, or even run the line out in a kayak to get it really far out. Not sure how old your son is though. It's a completely different answer depending on if he's 6 or 16. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  12. PatrickMcHorn


    The ascend h12 is sharp. I'd be wary of the 10 due to weight limit and tracking issues though. You'll appreciate having more length and carrying capacity. I think what you're looking for and the boats you're looking at make sense. I also think - depending on the trip - you can get under 60 pounds of gear pretty easily. Also, obviously the more you load, the more the boat will track differently, but there's few places better than Central texas rivers to deal with that. Typically it's only the wind that causes any issues. I've never kayaked 190 to Buchanan. I'd love to make that trip sometime. Colorado Bend SP and the narrows are all I've seen north of the lakes. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  13. Hooray! Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  14. As long as we're voting, my thought is to get an update from immamac on when expects it to go both ways. If it's soon, just leave it as is. The surly to discord quoting sucks, but I'm the opposite of chickenSandwich discord >>> this board, because 1) no F5, and 2) far superior search functionality.
  15. See above. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  16. I second schwab for pennies. Some others would recommend TD Ameritrade
  17. Yep, that's the one! Thanks, need more coffee evidently.
  18. I love me some discord. I always have it up regardless, so it's great for me. did Immamac ever say what the timeline was for dual directionality or whatever the term is?
  19. South Austin's mom enjoys both pickles and balls. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  20. The link on the main page should take you to it. Download the Discord app if you're on mobile.
  21. Yeah, just got up to 5 again, and I'm out. I figure if nothing else I can get back in next week if it tanks.
  22. I was able to sells some on Fidelity at $4.06. I have another limit order at $4.98, but we'll see. It's not much, and I'm fine letting it ride long term in the likely event it doesn't approach $5 again today.
  23. Thanks fellas. Account opened. Now we wait for the funding.
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