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Everything posted by drewcifer

  1. I'm on the back half of S1 in a rewatch right now. It's hard realizing how many of these characters I just don't like at all.
  2. Just checking in on this. I'm on the board with Don Shula (+10). Who else has scored so far?
  3. I saw last night that it's getting renewed.
  4. The StageIt shows have been fun. It's just weird to not hear Ken's blaring intro riffs on Timebomb and Barrier Reef.
  5. Which if the SB clans are still active? I either got denied requesting to join one this week or it's still sitting there unanswered. I stopped playing for about two years but picked it back up while I was jobless a few months ago, and I also ended up creating a second account. My current clan is not active at all, and the leader just had a baby so I haven't been able to get him to lower the trophy count to get my second account into the clan.
  6. Least surprising post I've ever seen on Shaggy/Surly, but agreed 100%.
  7. Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa may have been the best actor and character on the show.
  8. I really can't believe sports guy James didn't know that FSU was Garnet and Gold. Not sure it would have mattered, though, with Brad wasting all of the DJ daily doubles.
  9. I'm betting hard on the former pro wrestlers. James Harris aka Kamala the Ugandan Giant – 69 (5/28/50) Lawrence Shreve aka Abdullah the Butcher – 78 (1/11/41) Scott Hall aka Razor Ramon – 62 (10/20/58) Bret Hart – 62 (7/2/57) Vince McMahon – 74 (8/24/45) Marv Levy – 93 (8/3/25) Don Shula – 90 (1/4/30) Dan Rather – 88 (10/31/31) Nick Nolte – 78 (2/8/41) Logan Paul – 24 (4/1/95)
  10. https://news.avclub.com/michael-chabon-bringing-kavalier-clay-adaptation-to-s-1840343891 If Chabon's involved this has potential.
  11. There are probably a lot of bad book-to-film adaptations that could be remade, or redone as limited episode series.
  12. Can't: The Great Escape 2001: A Space Odyssey Once Upon a Time in America Remake: East of Eden
  13. I just started Peaky Blinders last week. Not sure why I've put it off for so long.
  14. I saw I had an Epix free preview last weekend and DVR'd the marathon... through about five or six eps now and I think this is a good show, with or without the Batman connection. Anyone else stick with it?
  15. I'm finally getting around to S2 of Mrs. Maisel. There's a lot I like about this show, but at the same time far too often the characters are wholly unlikable. And why won't anyone ever just tell someone what they think? They hem and haw and take forever to get to the point (Midge/Abe in Paris, Midge telling her family about the comedy on Yom Kippur, and for God's sake) and it annoys me to no end.
  16. My job is ending in a month and I have little to do right now, work-wise, so I've been watching a lot of Netflix. Unbelievable and The Spy were both terrific. I know Toni Collette has garnered a lot of (deserved) praise for her performance, but I also really liked Merritt Weaver, who I had only previously known as for her short-lived role as the lesbian doctor on The Walking Dead. I've also started Cheers from the beginning. During the initial run I never really watched it on a regular basis, though I know I saw parts of the later seasons back in HS, and maybe the occasional show from syndication runs since. Most of what I know about Ted Danson has been from The Good Place, Curb, and that HBO show he did with Jason Schwartzman. What a great show.
  17. A likely Netflix series in the next few years, it appears... though I thought they were further along at this point. https://the-bibliofile.com/movie-all-the-light-we-cannot-see-netflix-series-release-cast-trailer/
  18. I don't read a ton of non-fiction these days but ready through this as a neighbor's suggestion a few months ago and absolutely loved it.
  19. An AV Club article yesterday about a new Chuck Palahniuk adaptation (Invisible Monsters) made me think about what I'd like to see adapted to the screen. Palahniuk's Survivor was allegedly in the works and scrapped after 9/11, but it's been 18 years now and I think it could work now. I'd love to see anything from Christopher Moore adapted. He's mentioned many times that most or all of his novels have either been sold or optioned. Lamb would be an interesting, albeit controversial choice, though the recent Noir would also work well, IMO. Fool, too, perhaps. and either of his SF series would make for a good limited run Netflix or Amazon series. American Gods has been underwhelming, but I would love to see Gaiman's Neverwhere as a series. I thought Good Omens was well done (never read or seen Stardust, but it seems like it was well received). I watched Annihilation the other day after finishing the book, and given that the former bears little resemblance to the latter, I'd like to see someone else take a stab at it, with an opening to then adapt the follow-ups. Sirens of Titan is supposedly going to be a TV series from Dan Harmon, but it's been more than a year since I saw any update about it. What else?
  20. Derry Girls was great. Glad I checked out this thread.
  21. I watched Booksmart last night. It's a little bit of a different take on the HS comedy.
  22. I'm right there with you. The partner is great, as is the guy they interviewed a bunch (Kemper?), but the lead is just awful.
  23. A repeated nitpick I've read is about the size of the Hawkins newspaper staff, and it doesn't seem like a big deal to me. I covered Temple HS sports as a stringer for the Temple Daily Telegram in HS (93-95) and at the time they had a sports staff of 4, I think it was, with dedicated beats for city gov, county gov, education, police, and arts, plus a half dozen more editors... so at least 15 people (plus two f/t photogs) for a paper with a circulation of ~20K, in a city of about 50K. I assume Hawkins was a similar size, maybe a little smaller, and it looked like they only had 6-8 people on staff, plus the two interns. Doesn't seem like much of a stretch to me.
  24. It was a statement, not a question.
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