An AV Club article yesterday about a new Chuck Palahniuk adaptation (Invisible Monsters) made me think about what I'd like to see adapted to the screen.
Palahniuk's Survivor was allegedly in the works and scrapped after 9/11, but it's been 18 years now and I think it could work now.
I'd love to see anything from Christopher Moore adapted. He's mentioned many times that most or all of his novels have either been sold or optioned. Lamb would be an interesting, albeit controversial choice, though the recent Noir would also work well, IMO. Fool, too, perhaps. and either of his SF series would make for a good limited run Netflix or Amazon series.
American Gods has been underwhelming, but I would love to see Gaiman's Neverwhere as a series. I thought Good Omens was well done (never read or seen Stardust, but it seems like it was well received).
I watched Annihilation the other day after finishing the book, and given that the former bears little resemblance to the latter, I'd like to see someone else take a stab at it, with an opening to then adapt the follow-ups.
Sirens of Titan is supposedly going to be a TV series from Dan Harmon, but it's been more than a year since I saw any update about it.
What else?