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Everything posted by drewcifer

  1. Was gonna say... since it ended with Steve and Robin getting jobs there... you gotta think it plays into S4 in some way.
  2. Could be, sure. I'm not saying he's infallible. But I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt over speculation. NBD if anyone wants to think otherwise.
  3. Literally just passing on what Alan Sepinwall replied to me on Twitter when I asked him about this series two years ago: "Yeah, HBO doesn't have the rights." I'm going to trust that he knows what he is talking about.
  4. It hasn't been available On Demand or streaming in any capacity in years, as far as I know. Sepinwall mentioned about a year or so ago that HBO didn't own the rights, and that's why it was not available on any of their platforms.
  5. Been waiting for this for a long time!
  6. I started Good Girls Revolt this week because I'll watch about anything that deals with journalism. It's fine... nothing special... has some Mad Men qualities, based on the period, but without the quality of writing or acting. They only did one season so I'll finish it, but had it continued I'm not sure I would have stuck around for the long haul. Obviously that is a ringing endorsement.
  7. So I'm gonna have to buy a damn PS4 just to play this game again, 20+ years later, because... well, because. I think I only played through it twice in college, but the second time I bought one of those strategy guides and tried to complete every last detail, like getting Aeris' level four limit break before she dies. That shit took forever. But fuck yeah, I'd do it again.
  8. I don't think Stringer was weak... he just didn't get that being legit was just as crooked as being in the game, and he couldn't make it work, at least not while being pulled back to the corner by Avon. Marlo had no interest in that life. I always liked the dichotomy between Marlo ("my name is my name" and Vondas/The Greek ("My name is not even Vindas"/"I'm not even Greek").
  9. Fleabag was terrific. I watched the first season of Catastrophe and liked it well enough, but I never watched the subsequent seasons. Maybe I'll slot that in for the next binge after I catch up on Barry.
  10. So yeah... Queen of the North! https://decider.com/2019/06/07/sophie-turner-maisie-williams-make-out-game-of-thrones/
  11. Not trying to be a smart-ass... I'm genuinely curious... what were these amazing things that one could do in the 90s that cannot be done now? Maybe I wasn't doing amazing things at that time so I completely missed out and have no context, but except for playing Madden for hours on end I don't know that a lot of what I did in the late 90s isn't still available to do now.
  12. You can spend a sleepy lazy afternoon at any bar if you apply yourself and have a can do attitude. Saturday afternoon is my favorite time to go to bars, in general.
  13. I've been to dinner there 3-4 times and happy hour a few other times and never left disappointed.
  14. @Patricio Swayze I don't dispute the higher cost to produce; I just have a hard time believing that it was MTV's most popular show.
  15. The character send-offs/final montage made S5 absolutely worth watching.
  16. IIRC... when MTV pulled the plug one of the producers said it was their most popular show but cost 2x more to make than anything else and didn't get 2x the ratings. Not sure that I believe the former, but the latter makes sense, given that everything else was a reality show. A few years later I saw Chip and Howard do stand up at that comedy club that later became La Bare, along with the great Barry Sobel. They all had pretty funny acts. /csb
  17. I was listening to Ross Bolen's GOT podcast after the finale and they compared the end of GOT with S5 of The Wire, in terms of bad final seasons. Bolen's main issue with The Wire's conclusion was "going from the streets to the newspaper," which struck me as odd, because I thought that the serial killer silliness was most people's main criticism. I mostly enjoyed the newspaper story, as much as one can enjoy seeing the fabulist and snotty editors "win." I also thought Gus was a great character. Its inclusion may have been more of an outlet for Simon to give some of his former colleagues the finger, but in terms of derailing story and characters, the serial killer angle was much more jarring, IMO.
  18. Ha, dammit. Meant 2017. 2019 Series ain't going past four.
  19. Best: Game 7, 2019 World Series. Worst: BCS Championship Game, 2009 Season.
  20. I'm guessing so. I had a guy on my Twitter feed mention Bran "winning" right before it started. Overall I was fine with it. Loved seeing Jon reunite with Ghost and the surviving Starks all ruling in some capacity. Also loved Sansa putting dull ass Edmure in his place. With all the fanservice we've had this season I expected Brienne to flip past an entry for Ser Duncan the Tall, but D&D may not know who that is, so not too surprising, I guess.
  21. Not too dissimilar from what Michael Giacchino did on LOST.
  22. Brilliant spectacle... I already ranted to my wife about the many things I thought made zero sense. Fairly consistent with how absurd the post-GRRM era has been. That's all I have.
  23. I tend to agree with that.
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