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Everything posted by drewcifer

  1. This post precedes Shaggy by almost a decade.
  2. There's unfortunately a little component in baseball called defense, and P Tucker can't play it very well.
  3. If it means re-writing the dialogue, sure. Not changing most of the major details.
  4. The trailers don't seem to be much like the book at all.
  5. Just getting my Temple mention in early on this thread.
  6. That was a half-hour well spent, for sure. Nice job, Bob.
  7. I feel like I am in the middle of a tv void right now so bad SV is still somewhat enjoyable to me. It was better than Billions, for sure. #damningwithfaintpraise
  8. Can we get 40 wheelbarrows to carry our nuts during the fuckin' parade (in November)?
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