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  1. I still can’t figure it out. SeatGeek doesn’t give me a sell option. Trying to sell mine for the second game since I’ll be out of town.
  2. Yeah I’ve been trying to figure it out too. Got at least a few games I can’t make so might as well get a good chunk of my costs back.
  3. What you did there. I see it. Good point.
  4. When you actually can of course. Roll out has been a shit show.
  5. I had my first dose a week ago. No issues. Get the damn shot people.
  6. This. Had been a lifelong R and voted for Mitt, even though the Mormon thing kinda bugs me, but he’s a decent human being who respects other views. Voted Johnson in 2016 and Biden in 2020. Gonna take some massive change before I can see ever voting R again in a presidential election.
  7. He “could” protest in the most extreme way possible. Self immolation.
  8. Back the Blue!! 25th Amendment this piece of shit already.
  9. I already warned my wife I’d be spending some $ tonight.
  10. Been on a bit of a surly hiatus for a while, and also got superstitious and decided if I posted shit would go sideways. This feels amazing, I love this team and these fans. I save the Johnnie Walker Blue for special occasions and there will be several fingers of it consumed tonight. I guess I can start posting again. YNWA!!
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