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  1. I feel similar satisfaction to when I finally googled newel post while watching Christmas Vacation.
  2. You’re forgetting the third act, which will be VERY red.
  3. I don’t get it.
  4. Spring bock is an always buy. My favorite of their seasonal offerings.
  5. Clackles


    You’re in luck! OTC scope prep: 4 Ducolax tablets by mouth followed 2 hours later with 238 gram bottle of MiraLax in 64 oz of clear liquid (ie Gatorade or G2). Mix well. Drink an 8 oz glass every 10-15 minutes until the entire bottle has been consumed. Keep us updated of course.
  6. As the breadwinner of the family, I was exhausted and just wanted to hit the sack. Despite the large house I contribute significantly to providing for my family, my lovely spouse felt it imperative to use the space immediately adjacent to our bedroom for their nocturnal existence. When I asked for consideration with the light, my spouse responded by moving even closer to me to continue their brightly illuminated nocturnal activities. But I’m sure my spouse was doing something productive for the family, not just fucking around on that surly website.
  7. Augusta completely blacked out.
  8. Wondering the same. Was researching a solar system w Powerwall, and one salesman said it was possible to charge the Powerwall with portable generator, but the website fairly clearly refutes that. I agree, a little solar and batteries that can recharge in a pinch w portable gen is enticing.
  9. No they don’t.
  10. Do they blow up in funny shapes? No, unless round’s funny.
  11. I am frequently subjected to others’ music at work. Im an old man music douchebag. I don’t like myself for it and I’m trying to work on it. But over and over, a song comes on that makes me want to tear off my ears, I ask who it is, and it’s always Maroon 5. Always. Fuck Maroon 5.
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